Invasion History

First Non-native North American Tidal Record:
First Non-native West Coast Tidal Record:
First Non-native East/Gulf Coast Tidal Record:

General Invasion History:


North American Invasion History:




Taxonomic Tree

Kingdom:   Animalia
Phylum:   Mollusca
Class:   Gastropoda
Subclass:   Prosobranchia
Order:   Archaeogastropoda
Family:   Trochidae
SubFamily:   Trochinae
Genus:   Trochus
Species:   niloticus


Potentially Misidentified Species






Trophic Status:




General HabitatCoral reefNone
General HabitatRockyNone
Salinity RangeEuhaline30-40 PSU
Tidal RangeSubtidalNone
Vertical HabitatEpibenthicNone

Tolerances and Life History Parameters

Minimum Reproductive Temperature24Field range, King Sound, Western Australia and Ambon Indonesia (Crowe et al. 2005)
Maximum Reproductive Temperature30Field range, King Sound, Western Australia and Ambon Indonesia (Crowe et al. 2005)
Minimum Duration3Settlement and metamophosis took 3-10 days in the presence of macroalgae (Heslinga 1981)
Maximum Duration21Settlement and metamophosis took 4-21 days in the absence of macroalgal inducers (Heslinga 1981)
Broad Temperature RangeNoneTropical
Broad Salinity RangeNoneEuhaline

General Impacts

Regional Impacts

SP-XIIINoneEconomic ImpactFisheries
The topshell Trochus niloticus was widely introduced for the mother-of-pearl in the shell and ts edible meat (Eldredge 1994).
SP-XIINoneEconomic ImpactFisheries
The topshell Trochus niloticus was widely introduced for the mother-of-pearl in the shell and ts edible meat (Eldredge 1994).
SP-VIIINoneEconomic ImpactFisheries
The topshell Trochus niloticus was widely introduced for the mother-of-pearl in the shell and ts edible meat (Eldredge 1994).

Regional Distribution Map

Bioregion Region Name Year Invasion Status Population Status
EAS-III None 0 Native Established
SP-XII None 1938 Non-native Established
SP-VII None 0 Native Established
SP-XVI None 1954 Non-native Established
AUS-XII None 0 Native Established
SP-III None 0 Native Established
EAS-I None 0 Native Established
CIO-II None 0 Native Established
SP-II None 0 Native Established
SP-I None 0 Native Established
SP-IV None 0 Native Established
SP-IX None 1958 Non-native Unknown
NWP-2 None 0 Native Established
SP-XIII None 1931 Non-native Established
SP-V None 0 Native Established
AUS-XIII None 0 Native Established
SP-XIV None 1939 Non-native Established
SP-XXI None 1952 Non-native Failed
SP-VIII None 1957 Non-native Established
SP-XI None 1985 Non-native Established
AUS-II None 0 Native Established
AUS-I None 0 Native Established
AUS-XIV None 0 Native Established
CIO-V None 0 Native Established

Occurrence Map

OCC_ID Author Year Date Locality Status Latitude Longitude


Borsa, P.; Benzie, J. A. H. (1996) Population genetics of Trochus niloticus and Tectus coeuulescens, topshells with short4ved larvae, Marine Biology 125: 531-541

Braley, Rick; Marsters, Mataora Bill; Taime, Rorangi (1997) Trochus niloticus spawnings at Tongareva Marine Research Centre, Penrhyn Atoll, Cook Islands, SPC Trochus Information Bulletin 5: 24-25

Brock, Vernon E. (1960) The introduction of aquatic animals into Hawaiian waters, Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie 45(4): 463-480

Carlton, J.T., Eldredge, L. (2001) <missing title>, Bernice P. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu, Hawaii,. Pp. <missing location>

Crowe, Tasman P. and 10 authors (2002) Experimental evaluation of the use of hatchery-reared juveniles to enhance stocks of the topshell Trochus niloticus in Australia, Indonesia and Vanuatu, Aquaculture 206: 175-197

Eldredge, L.G. (1994) Perspectives in aquatic exotic species management in the Pacific Islands Vol. I. Introductions of commercially significant aquatic organisms to the Pacific islands, South Pacific Commission. Inshore Fisheries Research Project, Technical Document 7: 1-127

Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology 2008-2021 Museum of Comparative Zoology Collections database- Malacology Collection. <missing URL>

Heslinga, Gerald H. (1981) Larval development, settlement, and metamorphosis of the tropical gastropod Trochus niloticus, Malacologia 20(2): 349-357

Smith, Barry D. (1987) Growth rate, distribution and abundance of the introduced topshell Trochus niloticus Linnaeus on Guam, Mariana Islands, Bulletin of Marine Science 41(2): 466-471