Spondylus cruentus


Scientific Name: Spondylus cruentus

Phylum: Mollusca

Class: Bivalvia

Order: Pectinida

Family: Spondylidae

Genus: Spondylus


cruentus ( = Spondylus squamosus) name TBD [Describe here as A. iricolor]

Native Distribution

Origin Realm:

Temperate N. Pacific, Central Indian-Pacific

Native Region:

Origin Location:

Temperate Northern Pacific [Japan] Kesen and Motoyoshi Districts, Miyagi Prefecture, northeast Honshu. (Nomura & Hatai 1935) STATUS NOT STATED Boso Peninsula to Okinawa. (Hayami 2000) STATUS NOT STATED Wagu, Tasoura, Kii-Nagashima, Miura, and Shimakatsu, Mie Prefecture. (Habe 1981) STATUS NOT STATED From north to south coast of Wakayama Prefecture, Kii Peninsula, Pacific side. (Habe 1981) STATUS NOT STATED Kaji, Mikuni Town, Fukui Prefecture, Japan Sea. (Ishiwata et al. 1977) STATUS NOT STATED Seto Inland Sea. (Inaba 1982) STATUS NOT STATED Makurazaki City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu. (Ohshima & Tomiyama 2014) STATUS NOT STATED [As Spondylus barbatus cruentus (Synonymized taxon)] [Japan and adjacent seas] Northeastern Honshu (Iwate Prefecture) to Kyushu along the Pacific coast. Oga Peninsula to northern Kyushu along the Japan Ses coast. West coast of Kyushu to Ryukyu Islands, East China Sea. (Higo et al. 1999) STATUS NOT STATED [Japan] Several coasts of Yamagata Prefecture, Japan Sea. (Suzuki 1979) STATUS NOT STATED Off Tajima coast, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan Sea. (Ito 1967) STATUS NOT STATED Off the coast of Niigata Prefecture, Japan Sea. (Ito 1989) STATUS NOT STATED Wakasa Bay. (Ito 1990) STATUS NOT STATED Central Indo-Pacific Boso Peninsula to Okinawa. (Hayami 2000) STATUS NOT STATED [As Spondylus barbatus cruentus (Synonymized taxon)] [Japan and adjacent seas] Northeastern Honshu (Iwate Prefecture) to Kyushu along the Pacific coast. Oga Peninsula to northern Kyushu along the Japan Ses coast. West coast of Kyushu to Ryukyu Islands, East China Sea. (Higo et al. 1999) STATUS NOT STATED [As Spondylus barbatus cruentus (Synonymized taxon)] [Japan and adjacent seas] West coast of Kyushu to Ryukyu Islands (Higo et al. 1999) STATUS NOT STATED [Taiwan] Kenting. (Yang 1980, cited in Lee & Chao 2004) STATUS NOT STATED

Geographic Range:

[Japan] 28º-39ºN at the Pacific side and 28º-41ºN at the Japan Sea side. (Inaba 1982) Makurazaki City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu: 31º14′57.7″N, 130º16′59.9″E (Ohshima & Tomiyama 2014) [As Spondylus barbatus cruentus (Synonymized taxon)] [Japan] Off the coasts of Niigata Prefecture: from 37º12.1'N to 37º26.4'N, from 138º08.1E to 138º32.5'E. (Ito 1989) Wakasa Bay: from 35º34.3'N to 35º48.4'N, 135º39.5'E to 136º01.5'E. (Ito 1990)

General Diversity:


Non-native Distribution

Invasion History:

No records of invasion (Global Invasive Species Database 2016)

Non-native Region:

Not applicable

Invasion Propens:

Not applicable

Status Date Non-native:

Not applicable

Vectors and Spread

Initial Vector:

Not applicable

Second Vector:

Not applicable

Vector Details:

Not applicable

Spread Rate:

Not applicable

Date First Observed in Japan:

Not applicable

Date First Observed on West coast North America:

Not applicable


Impact in Japan:

Not applicable

Global Impact:

Not applicable


Native Temperature Regime:

Cool temperate, mild temperate, warm temperate, subtropical, tropical

Native Temperature Range:


Non-native Temperature Regime:

Not applicable

Non-native Temperature Range:

Not applicable

Native Salinity Regime:

Polyhaline, Euhaline

Native Salinity Range:


Non-native Salinity Regime:

Not applicable

Temperature Regime Survival:

Cool temperate, mild temperate, warm temperate, subtropical, tropiccal

Temperature Range Survival:

[Synonymized species: Spondylus squamosus] 23.011-25.591°C (OBIS 2016)

Temperature Regime Reproduction:

Cool temperate, mild temperate, warm temperate, subtropical, tropiccal

Temperature Range Reproduction:


Salinity Regime Survival:

Polyhaline, Euhaline

Salinity Range Survival:

[Synonymized species: Spondylus squamosus] 34.630-35.360 PSU (OBIS 2016)

Salintiy Regime Reproduction:

Polyhaline, Euhaline

Salinity Range Reproduction:


Depth Regime:

Lower intertidal, Shallow subtidal, Deep subtidal

Depth Range:

Boso Peninsula and southwards: within 20m. (Hayami 2000) Several coasts of Mie Prefecture, Kii Peninsula: intertidal to 20m (Matsumoto 1979) Seto Inland Sea: from lower intertidal to 20-30m (Inaba 1982) [As Spondylus barbatus cruentus (Synonymized taxon)] North Honshu and southwards: intertidal to 20m. (Higo et al. 1999) Off the coasts of Niigata Prefecture, Sea of Japan: 50-59m. (Ito 1989) Wakasa Bay: 41-92m. (Ito 1990)

Non-native Salinity Range:

Native Abundance:



Fertilization Mode:


Reproduction Mode:

Gonochoristic/ dioecious

Spawning Type:


Development Mode:

Planktotrophic planktonic larva (feeding)

Asexual Reproduction:

Does not reproduce asexually

Reproduction Details:


Adult Mobility:


Adult Mobility Details:

[As Spondylus barbatus cruentus (Syonymized taxon)] North Honshu and southwards: attached by right valve to rocks. (Higo et al. 1999)

Maturity Size:


Maturity Age:


Reproduction Lifespan:

[Bivalvia] Spawning occurs from early summer to autumn is common for bivalves are in temperate or tropical zone. (Sumikawa 1994)



Broods per Year:


Reproduction Cues:

[Bivalvia] Among several reproduction cues including wave shock, the change of salinity, lunar age and tidal rhythm, the change of the water temperature is the most important factor. (Orton 1920 and etc., cited in Sumikawa 1994)

Reproduction Time:

[Bivalvia] Spawning occurs from early summer to autumn is common for bivalves are in temperate or tropical zone. (Sumikawa 1994)



Egg Size:


Egg Duration:


Early Life Growth Rate:


Adult Growth Rate:


Population Growth Rate:


Population Variablity:




Rocky intertidal, Rocky subtidal

Habitat Type:





Exposed, Semi-exposed

Habitat Expansion:


Habitat Details:

From Boso Peninsula to Okinawa Islands: found at rock shore. (Hayami 2000) Yamagata Prefecture and southwards: attached to rock. (Suzuki 1919, Habe 1981) [As Spondylus barbatus cruentus (Syonymized taxon)] North Honshu and southwards: attached by right valve to rocks. (Higo et al. 1999)

Trophic Level:

Suspension feeder

Trophic Details:


Forage Mode:


Forage Details:


Natural Control:


Associated Species:


References and Notes


Global Invasive Species Database. http://www.issg.org/database/species/search.asp?sts=sss&st=sss&fr=1&sn=septifer+virgatus&rn=&hci=-1&ei=-1&lang=EN&x=14&y=8. Access Date: 6-May-2016. Habe T (1981) A catalogue of molluscs of Wakayama Prefecture, the Province of Kii. I. Bivalvia, Scpaphoposa and Cephalopoda. The editorial commitiee of " a catalogure of molluscs of Wakayama Prefecture": 301pp. Hayami I (2000) Pectinidae. In: Marine Mollusks in Japan. Okutani T (ed.). Tokaidaigaku Shuppankai, Tokyo: 897-911. (in Japanese and English) Higo S, Callomon P, Goto Y (1999) Catalogue and bibliography of the marine shell-bearing mollusca of Japan. Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Polyplachophora, Scaphopoda. Shell Scientific Publications, Osaka: 748pp. Inaba A (1982) Molluscan fauna of the Inland Sea, Japan. Hiroshima shell club, Hiroshima: 181pp. (in Japanese) Ishiwata N, Fushimi H, Kon T, Nanba T (1977) Studies concerning the fishery biology of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus (A. Agassiz) in Kaji, Fukui Prefecture-II. On the substratum, algal vegetation and macrobethic animal community of the habitat of the sea urchin. La mer (Bulletin de Société franco-japonaise d'océanographie) 15: 45-56. (in Japanese with English abstract) http://www.sfjo-lamer.org/la_mer/15-3/ishiwata_et_al2.pdf Ito K (1967) A catalogue of the marine molluscan shell-fish collected on the coast and off Tajima, Hyogo Prefecture. Bulletin of the Japan Sea Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory 18: 39-91. (in Japanese with English abstract) Ito K (1989) Distribution of molluscan shells in the coastal areas of Chuetsu, Kaetsu and Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of the Japan Sea Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory 39: 37-133 (in Japanese with English abstract) Ito K (1990) Distribution of molluscan shells in Wakasa Bay, Japan Sea. Bulletin of the Japan Sea Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory 49: 79-211 (in Japanese with English abstract) Lee SC & Chao SM (2004) Shallow-water marine shells from Kenting National Park, Taiwan. Collection and Research 17: 33-57. http://web2.nmns.edu.tw/PubLib/Library/research/200412-33.pdf Matsumoto Y (1979) Molluscan shells of Mie Prefecture, Japan. Toba Aquarium: 179pp. (in Japanese) Nomura S & Hatai K (1935) Catalogue of the shell-bearing mollusca collected from the Kesen and Mitoyosho Districts, Northeast Honshu, Japan, immediately after the Sanriku Tsunami, March 3, 1933, with the descriptions of five new species. Saito Ho-on Kai Museum Research Bulletin 5: 1-45. Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) (2016). Ocean mapper. Retrieved from http://www.iobis.org/mapper/ [accessed 8-9-2016) Ohshima H & Tomiyama K (2014) Distribution of the marine molluscs at Nansatsu region, Kagoshima Prefecture. Nature of Kagoshima 40: 181-188. (in Japanese) http://ir.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/bitstream/10232/21203/1/26_%E5%A4%A7%E5%B3%B6_%E9%AB%98%E8%A7%A3%E5%83%8F%E5%BA%A6.pdf Sumikawa S (1994) Reproduction. In: Handbook of Malacology Vol. 1. Habe T, Okutani T, Nishiwaki S (eds.), Scientist-sha Inc., Tokyo: 159-176. (in Japanese) Suzuki S (1979) Catalogue of marine invertebrate animals in Yamagata Prefecture. Tamakibi-kai: 370pp. (in Japanese)


Little or no information; expert opinion based on general knowledge
