Lyrodus takanoshimensis


Scientific Name: Lyrodus takanoshimensis

Phylum: Mollusca

Class: Bivalvia

Order: Myida

Family: Teredinidae

Genus: Lyrodus


takanoshimensis [Describe here as A. iricolor]

Native Distribution

Origin Realm:

Temperate Northern Pacific, Central Indo-Pacific, Western Indo-Pacific

Native Region:

Origin Location:

Temperate Northern Pacific First recorded in Japan; native to Japan (Turner 1966; Museum of Comparative Zoology 2008-2012; Pati et al. 2012, cited in NEMESIS 2016) STATED NW Pacific (Gillespie et al. 1999) STATED NW Pacific (Carlton 1992) STATED Takanoshima, Japan (Lee II & Reusser 2012) STATED Only from Takanoshima, Tateyama bay, Japan (Higo et al. 1999) *Type locality Miyagi prefecture along the Pacific coast via Suo Nada, Seto Inland Sea, to Hakata Bay, northern Kyushu. (Tsunoda 1979) STATUS NOT STATED Central Indo-Pacific Vanuatu (Turner 1966; Museum of Comparative Zoology 2008-2012; Pati et al. 2012, cited in NEMESIS 2016) STATED Western Indo-Pacific Native from Japan to India (Turner 1966; Museum of Comparative Zoology 2008-2012; Pati et al. 2012, cited in NEMESIS 2016) STATED Uncertain realm Native to Indo-Pacific; Indo-West Pacific, including Japan to India, Australia; widely distributed in tropical and subtropical areas  (Turner 1966; Museum of Comparative Zoology 2008-2012; Pati et al. 2012, cited in NEMESIS 2016) STATED

Geographic Range:

Japan to India, Australia, and Vanuatu (Turner 1966; Museum of Comparative Zoology 2008-2012; Pati et al. 2012, cited in NEMESIS 2016) Geographic range: 123.599998474121 9.5,123.700004577637 9.60000038146973 (Ocean Biogeographic Information System 2016) 34-38ºN along the Pafic side via Seto Inland Sea (Tsunoda 1979)

General Diversity:


Non-native Distribution

Invasion History:

Probably introduced to Vancouver Island, BC (NEMESIS 2016) Yes (Carlton 1992)

Non-native Region:

Northeast Pacific

Invasion Propens:

Temperate Northern Pacific NE Pacific (Carlton 1992) *Introduced Introduced to Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada in 1982; possibly established, no further reports from B.C. (NEMESIS 2016) *Introduced Japanese shipworm, Lyrodus takanoshimensis, invaded B.C. via wooden crates containing Pacific oyster seed (Carlton 1992, cited in Gillespie et al. 1999) *Exotic Invaded British Columbia, Canada by infesting the wooden crates used for Pacific oyster seed transport; establishment is unknown (Lee II & Reusser 2012) *Non-indigenous Reported only from Ladysmith Harbor, British Columbia in 1981 (Carlton 1992) *Introduced

Status Date Non-native:

Introduced to Ladysmith Harbour, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada in 1982 (NEMESIS 2016) First recorded in Ladysmith Harbour, B.C. in 1981 (Lee II & Reusser 2012) Ladysmith Harbour, B.C. : 1981 (Carlton 1992) [Ladysmith Harbor, British Columbia ] 1981 (Carlton 1992)

Vectors and Spread

Initial Vector:

Aquaculture and Fisheries

Second Vector:

Natural dispersal

Vector Details:

[Ladysmith Harbour, Vancouver Island, British Columbia] (tentatively identified as L. takanoshimensis) possible vector: (Crassostrea gigas) seed was planted from 1920 - 1960 in wooden boxes; the shipworms were found in submerged tree branches near the head of the harbor (NEMESIS 2016) NE Pacific, BC, Ladysmith Harbor, 1981; Mechanism: commercial oyster industry. Accidental release with commercial oyster industry (in wooden oyster boxes) (Carlton 1992) aquaculture/fisheries: Pacific Oyster aquaculture; Invaded British Columbia, Canada by infesting the wooden crates used for Pacific oyster seed transport; establishment is unknown (Lee II & Reusser 2012)

Spread Rate:


Date First Observed in Japan:

Not applicable

Date First Observed on West coast North America:

Vancouver Island, BC, Canada: 1982 (NEMESIS 2016) Reported only from Ladysmith Harbor, British Columbia in 1981 (Carlton 1992)


Impact in Japan:

can be a destructive woodborer; in native Indo-Pacific range it co-occurs with many other species, specific impacts are difficult to identify (Tsunoda 1979; Pati et al. 2012, cited in NEMESIS 2016)

Global Impact:

can be a destructive woodborer; in native Indo-Pacific range it co-occurs with many other species, specific impacts are difficult to identify (Tsunoda 1979; Pati et al. 2012, cited in NEMESIS 2016) [Ladysmith Harbour, British Columbia] possibly established but it has not been reported on any man-made structures; has had no known economic/ecological impacts (Popham 1983, cited in NEMESIS 2016)


Native Temperature Regime:

Warm temperate, Subtropical, Tropical

Native Temperature Range:

Warm temperate - Tropical (NEMESIS 2016)

Non-native Temperature Regime:

Cool temperate

Non-native Temperature Range:

Cool temperate (M. Otani, pers. comm.)

Native Salinity Regime:

Polyhaline, Euhaline

Native Salinity Range:

Polyhaline - Euhaline (NEMESIS 2016) Observed in Polyhaline: 25 - <30 PSU, prefers Euhaline: 30 - <36 PSU (Lee II & Reusser 2012) RELATED: [Lyrodus] All species of this genus, so far as known, require normal marine salinity or nearly so. (Turner 1966)

Non-native Salinity Regime:

See details

Temperature Regime Survival:

Cool temperate, Warm temperate, Subtropical, Tropical

Temperature Range Survival:

Warm temperate - Tropical (NEMESIS 2016) Cool temperate, Warm temperate (M. Otani, pers. comm.) RELATED: [Lyrodus spp.] 1.990 - 26.803 ºC (OBIS 2016b)

Temperature Regime Reproduction:

Cool temperate, Warm temperate

Temperature Range Reproduction:

Cool temperate, Warm temperate (M. Otani, pers. comm.)

Salinity Regime Survival:

Polyhaline, Euhaline

Salinity Range Survival:

Polyhaline - Euhaline (NEMESIS 2016)  observed in Polyhaline: 25 - <30 PSU, prefers Euhaline: 30 - <36 PSU (Lee II & Reusser 2012) RELATED: [Lyrodus spp.] 34.674 - 34.975 PPS (OBIS 2016b) [Lyrodus] All species of this genus, so far as known, require normal marine salinity or nearly so. (Turner 1966)

Salintiy Regime Reproduction:

Polyhaline, Euhaline

Salinity Range Reproduction:

Euhaline (M. Otani, pers. comm.)

Depth Regime:

Lower intertidal, Shallow subtidal

Depth Range:

intertidal; 0 m (Lee II & Reusser 2012) subtidal (NEMESIS 2016)  sample depth: 7 m  (Ocean Biogeographic Information System 2016)

Non-native Salinity Range:

Native Abundance:



Fertilization Mode:


Reproduction Mode:

Gonochoristic/ dioecious

Spawning Type:


Development Mode:

Planktonic larva (type unspecified)

Asexual Reproduction:


Reproduction Details:

CONFLICT : given as gonochoristic/dioecious on species level, and hermaphroditic on family level L. takanoshimensis: Gonochoristic/dioecious; planktonic larvae; (Lee II & Reusser 2012) Does not reproduce asexually (M. Otani, pers. comm.) RELATED: [Lyrodus spp.] Fertilization must occur in the epibranchial cavity of the female in Lyrodus, so far as known, brood young. (Turner 1966) [Family Teredinidae] shipworms are protandric hermaphites; they have to breed and disperse larva quickly to find new wood habitats, which are not broadly distributed in marine environments;  Teredo parksi and Bankia carinata reached sexual maturity by 2 months, at 2–4 mm body lengths (MacIntosh et al. 2014) [Teredo spp.] larviparous: eggs are fertilized in mantle cavity, brooded in modified gill chambers before release; brooding period varies between species: short term brooders keep larvae 5 - 8 days, release straight-hinge veligers that develop 10 - 15 days in water column; Long term brooders keep larvae until fully developed, release competent, non-feeding pediveligers (Calloway and Turner, 1988; Karande and Pensey, 1969, cited in MacIntosh et al. 2014) [Family Teredinidae] protandrous hermaphrodites;  start as male, transform to female; cannot self-fertilize; males release sperm into the water column, which then fertilizes eggs for the female, where they are brooded in the gills to veliger stage and released; Teredo navalis and Lyrodus massa release in the early (straight-hinge) stages, spending several weeks in the plankton;  (T. bartschi, T. furcifera, and Lyrodus pedicellatus) release at an advanced stage, as pediveligers, and spend a few days in the plankton. The larvae settle as pediveligers, rapidly metamorphose, and begin boring into wood within 2-3 days; they develop a calcified shell, pallets, and burrow lining (Turner and Johnson 1971, cited in NEMESIS 2016). [Bankia spp.] the genus Bankia are oviparous, releasing gametes or fertilized eggs into the water column for a lengthy planktotrophic development upward of 20 days (Culliney, 1975; Nair and Saraswathy, 1971, cited in MacIntosh et al. 2014)

Adult Mobility:


Adult Mobility Details:

RELATED: [Family Teredinidae] sessile (MacIntosh et al. 2014)

Maturity Size:

RELATED: [Family Teredinidae] Teredo parksi and Bankia carinata reached sexual maturity at 2–4 mm body lengths (MacIntosh et al. 2014)

Maturity Age:

RELATED: [Family Teredinidae] Teredo parksi and Bankia carinata reached sexual maturity by 2 months (MacIntosh et al. 2014)

Reproduction Lifespan:



RELATED: [Terado navalis] Teredo navalis can live for at least about three years in artificial sea water (Becker 1959, cited in Turner 1966)

Broods per Year:


Reproduction Cues:

RELATED: [Terenididae] Temperature and salinity are particularly important during the breeding season, each species having an optimum temperature and salinity for the spawning and survival of the young. (Turner 1966)

Reproduction Time:



RELATED: [Teredo navalis] as the case of internal fertilization. The eggs are retained in th gills of the mother during cleavage and early development (Grave 1928) and produces 3 million egg. (NEMESIS 2015)

Egg Size:

Species retaining the young within the brood pouch of the female produce larger and fewer eggs (Costell et al. 1957, cited in Turner 1966) RELATED: [Terado navalis] 55 to 60 μm in diameter (Costell et al. 1957, cited in Turner 1966)

Egg Duration:


Early Life Growth Rate:

RELATED: [Lyrodus pedicellatus] Settlement begins within 18 to 20 hours after release from the parent (Tierney 1953, cited in Turner 1966)

Adult Growth Rate:


Population Growth Rate:


Population Variablity:





Habitat Type:

Borer, Epibenthic





Habitat Expansion:


Habitat Details:

Lyrodus takanoshimensis is known from fixed wood structures, panels, and driftwood; found in tropical to temperate climates (Tsunoda 1979; Popham 1983; Pati et al. 2012, cited in NEMESIS 2016) typical habitat: coarse woody debris, marinas and docks; subtidal; epibenthic (NEMESIS 2016) Prefers estuary, observed in coastal bay; substrate: biogenic: driftwood; intertidal (Lee II & Reusser 2012) Shipworms are highly specialized bivalves adapted for boring into wood. (Turner 1966) Exposed, Semi-exposed (M. Otani, pers. comm.) RELATED: [Family Teredinidae] Shipworms dig long burrows in submerged wood in marine environments. They burrow by rocking and abrading the wood fibers; typically have their anterior end, with head and shells inside the burrow, and their siphons protruding. The pallets plug the burrow when the siphons are retracted (Barnes 1983, cited in NEMESIS 2016) [Family Teredinidae] wood serves as both habitat and food; expansion: shipworms form short-term/competitive communities in available wood; as they grow and feed, timber decreases in size; they have to breed and disperse larva quickly to find new wood habitats, which are not broadly distributed in marine environment (MacIntosh et al. 2014)  

Trophic Level:

Suspension feeder

Trophic Details:

Suspension feeder (NEMESIS 2016) Suspension feeder (Lee II & Reusser 2012) Shipworm utilizes wood as food. But adult of some species of shipworm may require planktonic food, at least during the breeding period, and some may be capable of surviving on plankton only. (Turner 1966) RELATED: [Family Teredinidae] obligate wood-feeders; ingest woody plant tissue (MacIntosh 2014) [Family Teredinidae] shipworms may get some nutrition from plankton, but some comes from wood (mainly cellulose); Symbiotic bacteria fix nitrogen, essential for protein synthesis (Turner and Johnson 1971; Barnes 1983, cited in NEMESIS 2016)

Forage Mode:


Forage Details:

Shipworm utilizes wood as food. But adult of some species of shipworm may require planktonic food, at least during the breeding period, and some may be capable of surviving on plankton only. (Turner 1966) RELATED: [Family Teredinidae] obligate wood-feeders; ingest woody plant tissue (MacIntosh 2014) [Family Teredinidae] shipworms may get some nutrition from plankton, but some comes from wood (mainly cellulose); Symbiotic bacteria fix nitrogen, essential for protein synthesis (Turner and Johnson 1971; Barnes 1983, cited in NEMESIS 2016)

Natural Control:


Associated Species:


References and Notes


Carlton JT (1992) Introduced marine and estuarine mollusks of North America: an end-of-the-20th-Century perspective. Journal of Shellfish Research. 11(2): 489-505 Higo S, Callomon P, Goto Y (1999) Catalogue and bibliography of the marine shell-bearing mollusca of Japan. Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Polyplachophora, Scaphopoda. Shell Scientific Publications, Osaka: 748pp. Lee II H and Reusser DA (2012) Atlas of Nonindigenous Marine and Estuarine Species in the North Pacific. Office of Research and Development, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, EPA/600/R/12/631. MacIntosh H, de Nys R, Whalan S (2014) Contrasting life histories in shipworms: Growth, reproductive development and fecundity. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 459:80-6. NEMESIS (2016) Fofonoff PW, Ruiz GM, Steves B, & Carlton JT (2003) National Exotic Marine and Estuarine Species Information System. Access Date: 24-Feb -2016 Ocean Biogeographic Information System (2016) Lyrodus takanoshimensis.  Access Date: 23-Feb-16 OBIS b. Ocean Biogeographic Information System. Access date: 21-09-2016 *Note: for genus level data Tsunoda K (1979) Ecological studies of shipworm attack on wood in the sea water log storage site. Wood Research 65: 11-53. Turner RD (1966) A survey and illustrated catalogue of the Teredinidae. The Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.: 265pp.


Limited information; expert opinion based on observational information or circumstantial evidence
