Amphisbetia furcata


Scientific Name: Amphisbetia furcata

Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Hydrozoa

Order: Leptothecata

Family: Sertulariidae

Genus: Amphisbetia


furcata (synonymised with Sertularia furcata) [Describe here as A. iricolor]

Native Distribution

Origin Realm:

Temperate Northern Pacific, Tropical Eastern Pacific, Central Indo-Pacific

Native Region:

Origin Location:

Temperate Northern Pacific San Francisco Bay, California; native to northeast Pacific (Calder et al. 2014) STATED Matsuyama and Gogoshima, Japan; west coast of North America; northwestern Pacific (Yamada 1958) STATUS NOT STATED British Columbia, Canada to southern California, USA, and southward to the tropics (Fraser 1937, 1946, cited in Carlton 2007) STATUS NOT STATED [Japan] South of central Honshu. (Yamada 1988) STATUS NOT STATED [Japan] Along the coast of Yamagata Prefecture. (Suzuki 1979) STATUS NOT STATED [Japan] Off the coast of Inanba Island, a part of Izu Islands, Tokyo. (Tokyo Metropolitan Fisheries Experiment Station 1980) STATUS NOT STATED [Japan] Seto Inland Sea. (Inaba 1988) STATUS NOT STATED [Japan] Off the coast of Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture, central Japan. (Utinomi and Harada 1958) STATUS NOT STATED 20º-35ºN at the Pacific side. (Inaba 1988) [Sertularia furcata (synonymised taxon)] Pelican Bay, Santa Cruz Island, California. Also reported from north of California (but not south) (Hewatt 1946) STATUS NOT STATED [Sertularia furcata (synonymised taxon)] Hesquiat harbor, Northwest of Maquinna point, and both west and north of Esteban point (49º22.15' N, 126º54.0' W), British Columbia, Canada (Brinckmann-Voss 1983) STATUS NOT STATED [Sertularia furcata (synonymised taxon)] California, USA (Luke 1998) STATUS NOT STATED [Sertularia furcata (synonymised taxon)] Tsingtao, Shantung Coast, China (Kao 1956) STATUS NOT STATED Central Indo-Pacific 20º-35ºN at the Pacific side. (Inaba 1988) Tropical Eastern Pacific West coast of Central America (Yamada 1958) STATUS NOT STATED British Columbia, Canada to southern California, USA, and southward to the tropics (Fraser 1937, 1946, cited in Carlton 2007) STATUS NOT STATED

Geographic Range:

-131.600006103516 -51.3000030517578,-74.1999969482422 52.5 (OBIS 2016) Maquinna Point, British Columbia (Brinckmann-Voss 1983) to Central America (Yamada 1958) Tsingtao, China (Kao 1956) to Matsuyama, Japan (Yamada 1958) 20º-35ºN at the Pacific side. (Inaba 1988)

General Diversity:


Non-native Distribution

Invasion History:

No records of invasion (Global Invasive Species Database 2015)

Non-native Region:

Not applicable

Invasion Propens:

Not applicable

Status Date Non-native:

Not applicable

Vectors and Spread

Initial Vector:


Second Vector:

Not applicable

Vector Details:

Introduction vector: Found on tsunami debris (Calder et al. 2014)

Spread Rate:

Not applicable

Date First Observed in Japan:

Not applicable

Date First Observed on West coast North America:

Not applicable


Impact in Japan:

Not applicable

Global Impact:

Not applicable


Native Temperature Regime:

Mild temperate, Warm temperate, Subtropical, Tropical

Native Temperature Range:

Water temperature at the same depth (75m) around the area where A. furcata was found off the coast of Inanba Island is 21.9-22.3 ºC. (Tokyo Metropolitan Fisheries Experiment Station 1980) Mild temperate, Warm temperate, Subtropical, Tropical (M. Otani, pers. comm.)

Non-native Temperature Regime:

Not applicable

Non-native Temperature Range:

Not applicable

Native Salinity Regime:


Native Salinity Range:


Non-native Salinity Regime:

Not applicable

Temperature Regime Survival:


Temperature Range Survival:

RELATED: [Amphisbetia spp.] -0.245 - 11.245ºC (OBIS 2016b)

Temperature Regime Reproduction:


Temperature Range Reproduction:


Salinity Regime Survival:


Salinity Range Survival:

RELATED: [Amphisbetia spp.] 29.197 - 35.618 PPS (OBIS 2016b)

Salintiy Regime Reproduction:

Polyhaline, Euhaline

Salinity Range Reproduction:


Depth Regime:

Lower intertidal, Shallow subtidal, Deep subtidal, Bathyal

Depth Range:

Sampled from 410 - 472 m (OBIS 2016) [Sertularia furcata (synonymised taxon)] 75 - 90 m depth (Brinckmann-Voss 1983) [Sertularia furcata (synonymised taxon)] Tidepools and subtidal (7 and 21 m) (Luke 1998) Intertidal to 82 m (Fraser 1937, 1946, cited in Carlton 2007) Lower intertidal to 20-30m (Inaba 1988) Off the coast of Inanba Island, a part of Izu Islands, Tokyo: 30 to 120m. (Tokyo Metropolitan Fisheries Experiment Station 1980) RELATED: [Hydroids] Rocky intertidal and subtidal (Denny & Gaines 2007)

Non-native Salinity Range:

Native Abundance:



Fertilization Mode:


Reproduction Mode:

Gonochoristic/ dioecious

Spawning Type:


Development Mode:


Asexual Reproduction:

See details

Reproduction Details:

Colonies are dioecious (Watson 1990) [Sertularia furcata (synonymised taxon)] Medusae complete their development within the sessile cups of the fixed stage instead of swimming away. Medusae produce eggs and sperm; eggs stay in the cups while the sperm is released into the water to find another cup of eggs (Hinton 1987) RELATED: [Hydroids] Rapidly colonize through asexual proliferation (Denny & Gaines 2007)

Adult Mobility:


Adult Mobility Details:

RELATED: [Hydroids] Sessile (Denny & Gaines 2007)

Maturity Size:

Simple stems up to 10 mm high (Watson 1990)

Maturity Age:


Reproduction Lifespan:




Broods per Year:


Reproduction Cues:


Reproduction Time:

RELATED: [Hydroids] Intertidal hydroids may link life histories with events of wave-swept rocky shores (Denny & Gaines 2007)



Egg Size:


Egg Duration:


Early Life Growth Rate:


Adult Growth Rate:


Population Growth Rate:


Population Variablity:




Rocky intertidal, Rocky subtidal, SAV, Macroalgal beds, Fouling, Flotsam See details

Habitat Type:

Epibenthic, Epiphytic, See details


Rock, Biogenic, Artificial substrate


See details

Habitat Expansion:


Habitat Details:

Attached to algae (Yamada 1958) [Sertularia furcata (synonymised taxon)] Grows on blades of surfgrass (Phylospadix) and occasionally other seaweeds (Hinton 1987) Fouling of a floating dock (tsunami debris) (Calder et al. 2014) Collected from stranded items (Kiessling et al. 2015) [Sertularia furcata (synonymised taxon)] Tidepools and subtidal (Luke 1998) *tidepools included as rocky intertidal [Sertularia furcata (synonymised taxon)] Tidepools (Kao 1956) Common on algae, surfgrass, shore rocks (Fraser 1946, cited in Carlton 2007) On algae (Surgassum spp. and Phyllospadix iwatensis: Suzuki 1979) and on rocks. (Inaba 1988) RELATED: [Hydroids] Rocky intertidal and subtidal; crevices, channels, tidepools, under macroalgal canopy. Optimal habitats are shady, current-swept, submerged hard substrata; grow on other organisms such as mussels and macroalgae (Denny & Gaines 2007)

Trophic Level:


Trophic Details:

RELATED: [Obelia sp. (also in order Leptothecata)] Suitable food organisms are imobilized by nematocysts after touching one or more tentacles, then the tentacles bring the food to the mouth (Kozloff 1990) [Hydroids] Suspension-feeding or carnivorous (Denny & Gaines 2007)

Forage Mode:


Forage Details:

RELATED: [Hdroids] They consume completely small animals like small crustacea, mollusc, annelida and juvenile fish. (Uchida 1961)

Natural Control:

PREDATION [Sertularia furcata (synonymised taxon)] [Predation] Fed on by the nudibranch Doto amyra (Behrens 2004) RELATED: PREDATION [Hydroids] [Predation] Hydranths may be eaten by nudibranchs, pyconogonids, fish, and the polychaete Procerastea halleziana (Denny & Gaines 2007) PARASITES [Hydroids] [Parasites] Pycnogonid larvae may parasitize and develop in hydranths (Denny & Gaines 2007)

Associated Species:

RELATED: SYMBIONTS [Hydroids] [Symbionts] Act as microhabitats for many other species, including other hydroids, gammarid amphiods, and mussel recruits (Denny & Gaines 2007) PARASITES [Hydroids] [Parasites] Pycnogonid larvae may parasitize and develop in hydranths (Denny & Gaines 2007)

References and Notes


Behrens DW (2004) Pacific Coast Nudibranchs, Supplement II New Species to the Pacific Coast and New Information on the Oldies. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 55(2): 11-54. Brinckmann-Voss A (1983) British Columbia Marine Faunistic Report on the Hydrozoa Part II. Hydroids. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 1185. Calder DR, Choong HHC, Carlton JT, Chapman JW, Miller JA, Geller J (2014) Hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from Japanese tsunami marine debris washing ashore in the northwestern United States. Aquatic Invasions 9(4): 425-440. Carlton JT (2007) The Light and Smith manual: intertidal invertebrates from central California to Oregon. London, England: University of California Press, Ltd Denny MW & Gaines SD (2007) Encyclopedia of Tidepools and Rocky Shores. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press Global Invasive Species Database. Access date: 04-11-2015 Hewatt WG (1946) Marine Ecological Studies on Santa Cruz Island, California. Ecological Monographs 16(3): 185-210. Hinton S (1987) Seashore Life of Southern California: An Introduction to the Animal Life of California Beaches South of Santa Barbara. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press."Sertularia+furcata"&lr=&source=gbs_navlinks_s Inaba A (1988) Fauna and flora of the Seto Inland Sea. Second edition II. Mukaishima Marine Biological Station of Hiroshima University: 1-475. (in Japanese) Kao CS (1956) On the hydroids along the Shantung Coast. Journal of Shandong University (Natural Science) 1956-04. Kiessling T, Gutow L, Thiel M (2015) Marine Litter as Habitat and Dispersal Vector. In: Marine Anthropogenic Litter. Eds. Bergmann M, Gutow L, Klages M. Springer International Publishing. Kozloff EN (1990) Invertebrates. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders College Publishing Luke SR (1998) Catalog of the benthic invertebrate collections of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Coelenterata. SIO Reference Series No. 98-02. OBIS. Ocean Biogeographic Information System. Access date: 07-01-2016 OBIS b. Ocean Biogeographic Information System. Access date: 30-08-2016 *Note: genus level data Suzuki S (1979) Catalogue of marine invertebrate animals in Yamagata Prefecture. Tamakibi-kai: 1-370. (in Japanese) Tokyo Metropolitan Fisheries Experiment Station (1980) Report of the survey of the natural fish reef at Izu Islands. Report of the Investigation Research 146: 1-14. (in Japanese) Uchida T (1961) Coelenterata. In: Animal systematics. Uchida T (ed.) Nakayama-shoten Co. Ltd., Tokyo: 55-204. (in Japanese) Utinomi H & Harada E (1958) A list of bottom animals collected by a trawler "Kaiun-maru" off the southwest coast of Kii Peninsula. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 6: 385-395. Watson JE (1990) Studies on Australian Hydroids; the genus Eudendrium, and the fauna of the seagrass Amphibolis. Ph.D. Dissertation. Deakin University. Yamada M (1958) Hydroids from the Japanese Inland Sea, mostly from Matsuyama and its vicinity. JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY Series ⅤⅠ. ZOOLOGY 14(1): 51-63. Yamada M (1988) Amphisbetia furcata. In: New Illustrated encyclopedia of the fauna of Japan, Okada Y (ed.). Hokuryukan Co. Ltd., Tokyo: 205. (in Japanese)


