Invasion History
First Non-native North American Tidal Record: 1978First Non-native West Coast Tidal Record: 1978
First Non-native East/Gulf Coast Tidal Record: 1996
General Invasion History:
Caprella scaura was first described from Mauritius in 1836, and subsequently found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. Historically, it ranged as far north as Vladivostok, Russia, in the Northwest Pacific, and south to Chile, South Africa, and southern Australia (McCain 1968). Its native region is uncertain. In other parts of the world, it has recently extended its range into warm-temperate regions, including California (Marelli 1981), South Carolina, the Gulf Coast of Florida (Foster et al. 2004), the Atlantic coast of Spain, and the Canary Islands (Guerra-Garcia et al. 2011). In the Mediterranean, there was an early report from the Thau Lagoon, France, an oyster-rearing area (Razarihelisoa 1958), but it has appeared in other regions of the Sea more recently (Krapp et al. 2006; Martínez and Adarraga 2008; Zenetos et al. 2008; Bakir and Katagan 2011). The morphological variability of this caprellid indicates that the name C. scaura is a species complex, but many of the introduced populations are morphologically similar and appear to correspond to Mayer's (1890, cited by McCain 1968) form ‘typica’. Caprella scaura is capable of long-distance dispersal on floating seaweeds and other objects. However, its worldwide distribution has probably resulted from transport by hull fouling, ballast water, and by oyster transplants and other forms of aquaculture (Foster et al. 2004; Krapp et al. 2006; Martínez and Adarraga 2008; Guerra-Garcia et al. 2011).
North American Invasion History:
Invasion History on the West Coast:
Caprella scaura was first collected on the West Coast in 1978 by Marelli (1981) from the cooling systems of power plants in San Francisco Bay and Elkhorn Slough, California. It was subsequently collected in Southern California, from the Channel Islands, Oxnard, and San Diego Bay (Fairey et al. 2002).
Invasion History on the East Coast:
Caprella scaura was collected during benthic surveys on the East Coast of Florida, in Biscayne Bay in 1996, and the St. Johns River estuary in 2001 (NOAA National Benthic Inventory 2012). In 2002, it was found in the fouling community of a floating dock in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina (Foster et al. 2004).
Invasion History on the Gulf Coast:
In 1998-2002, Caprella scaura was found near Panama City, Florida in St. Andrews Bay on jetties and channel markers (Foster et al. 2004).
Invasion History in Hawaii:
Caprella scaura was first found in Pearl Harbor, Oahu in 1929 (Coles et al. 1999a; Calton and Eldredge 2009). Subsequently, it was found in other Oahu harbors (Coles et al. 1999b), and in 2003, in Malea Harbor, Maui (Coles et al. 2004).
Invasion History Elsewhere in the World:
As noted above, the type locality of C. scaura is Mauritius. Mayer (1890, cited by Krapp et al. 2006) obtained type specimens for the subspecies typica and cornuta in Rio de Janeiro, while the type locality for his diceros and Utinomi's (1947, cited by Krapp et al. 2006) hamata form was Japan. These forms all lack a ventral spine between gnathopods 2, and may be conspecific or closely related (Krapp et al. 2006). In any event, C. scaura s. l. was distributed in the South Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans by the late 19th century. By 1968, C. scaura was known from the Caribbean, the Southwest Atlantic (Brazil), the Southeast Pacific (Chile), the Southwest Pacific (Sydney, Australia), the Northwest Pacific (Vladivostok to southern Japan), and the Southeast Atlantic (South Africa) (McCain 1968). More recent records include New Caledonia (Laubitz 1991), St. Paul's Island (Southern Indian Ocean, Laubitz 1995), and Hong Kong (Guerra-Garcia and Takeuchi 2003). We consider most of this range cryptogenic, given the potential for natural dispersal, and early, undocumented transport of this caprellid by ships.
Recent expansions of C. scaura in several parts of the world appear to be introductions. In Australia, the caprellid was found in Port Philip Bay, Victoria in 1990 (Museum Victoria 2012), in Tasmania in 1980 (Guerra-Garcia and Takeuchi 2004), and in Western Australia in 1983 (Guerra-Garcia 2004). In Europe, there was an early report of C. scaura in the Mediterranean, in the Thau Lagoon, a major oyster-rearing area (Razarihelisoa 1958). However, its range in the Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic has expanded greatly in the last two decades. Caprella scaura was seen in the Venice Lagoon in 1994 (Krapp et al. 2006), and subsequently appeared in the Ionian Sea, Greece (in 2002, Krapp et al. 2006), the Aegean Sea, Turkey (in 2008, Bakir and Katagan 2011), and Western Mediterranean locations in Spain and Italy (Martínez and Adarraga 2008). In the Eastern Atlantic, this caprellid appeared off Cadiz, Spain and in great abundance in aquaculture operations in the Canary Islands, in 2009 (Guerra-Garcia et al. 2011).
Caprellid amphipods have a greatly modified body form, when compared to more familiar gammarid amphipods. The body is elongated (giving rise to the name 'skeleton shrimp'), though the abdomen is compressed. The head is partly fused with the first thoracic segment (called Pereonite 1 in amphipods). The head bears a pair of long antennae 1, somewhat shorter antennae. The 1st antennae (A1) have a 3-segmented peduncle, tipped by a flagellum with multiple segments. The 2nd antennae (A2) may be fringed with long setae, and have 3-4 segments in the peduncle, and a shorter flagellum, usually of 2 segments. A mandibular palp of several segments is present in some genera, arising between the antennae, but this is absent in Caprella. There is a small pair of gnathopods, small grasping claws with a movable finger (Gnathopod 1), on Pereonite 1. Pereonite 2 bears a much larger pair of gnathopods (Gnathopod 2), which may have conspicuous spines or setae. Pereonites 3 and 4 usually have round or club-shaped gills, while in most species, including Caprella, pereiopods are absent. Pereiopods 5, 6, and 7 are roughly equal and hook-like, for climbing and attachment, with 6 segments. Females develop oostegites, plates which form a brood pouch. Males are usually larger than females of the same species. Females and immature males can be hard to identify to species level. (Description from: Barnes 1983; Watling and Carlton, in Carlton 2007).
Caprella scaura are distinguished by a sharply pointed, forward-pointing dorsal spine on the head. Mature male gnathopod 2 propodus may be extended distally, with a mid-palm proximal spine, distal poison tooth and triangular projection; dactylus may be sculpted However, the size of specimens can vary considerably by region and season. There are a number of morphological differences between male and females. In females, flagellum of the antennule has up to four segments, usually fewer than the male. The pereonites of females are greatly shortened compared with those of the males. Females vary in the number of body spines, with as many as one or two knobs on each pereonite. The propodus of gnathopod 2 of females is less elongated than males, and has one proximal spine, and a small distal tooth. Mature females are distinguished by the developing oostegites and brood pouch. See descriptions by: McCain 1968; Guerra-Garcia and Takeuchi 2003; Martínez and Adarraga 2008; Guerra-Garcia et al. 2011.
This 'species' shows a high degree of variation in several anatomical features. Mayer (1890, cited by McCain 1968) named six varieties (now subspecies): typica, cornuta, diceros, scauroides, spinirostris, and californica. An additional one, hamata was added by Utinomi (1947, cited by McCain 1968; Krapp et al. 2006). One of the distinguishing features of the subspecies is the absence of a ventral spine between the insertions of Gnathopods 2 in typica, cornuta, and diceros, and its presence in the other named forms, including californica, scauroides, and spinirostris. Caprella californica, from the Northeast Pacific, is now recognized as a full species (McCain 1968; Watling and Carlton, in Carlton 2007). The other ventral-spined forms, scauroides and spinirostris, may be conspecific with C. californica (Laubitz 1970, cited by Guerra-Garcia and Takeuchi 2004). The currently recognized subspecies of Caprella scaura appear to constitute a widespread species complex. Molecular studies will be needed to clarify their systematics and origin. However, specimens caught in US Atlantic and Pacific waters resemble C. s. typica (McCain 1968; Marelli 1981; Foster et al. 2004).
Taxonomic Tree
Kingdom: | Animalia | |
Phylum: | Arthropoda | |
Subphylum: | Crustacea | |
Class: | Malacostraca | |
Subclass: | Eumalacostraca | |
Superorder: | Peracarida | |
Order: | Amphipoda | |
Suborder: | Caprellidea | |
Infraorder: | Caprellida | |
Superfamily: | Caprelloidea | |
Family: | Caprellidae | |
Genus: | Caprella | |
Species: | scaura |
Caprella attenuata forma subtenuis (Dana, 1853)
Caprella cornuta (Dana, 1853)
Caprella cornuta forma obtusirostris (Dana, 1853)
Caprella nodosa (Templeton, 1836)
Caprella scaura forma cornuta (Mayer, 1890)
Caprella scaura forma diceros (Mayer, 1890)
Caprella scaura forma hamata (Mayer, 1890)
Caprella scaura forma typica (Mayer, 1890)
Potentially Misidentified Species
NE Pacific native, formerly considered a subspecies of C. scaura (Cabezas et al. 2014)
Caprella penantis
Cosmopolitan, a species complex
Caprella scauroides
NW Pacific native, Taiwan
Caprella simia
NW Pacific native, introduced to California
Life History – Males and females are morphologically distinct. The males are larger, more robust, and armed with larger gnathopods, probably an adaptation to competition for females and for guarding themselves during molting, which precedes mating. The young are brooded by the female in an egg-pouch formed by large plates (oostegites) on the 3rd and 4th pereionites (Turcotte and Sainte Marie 2009). Brooding takes about four days at 24⁰C (Lim and Alexander 1986). Development is direct, with the newborn juveniles having the general form of the adults. The 1st instar of Caprella scaura are quite small (~1.2 mm), lacking the distinctive head spine, and having less developed gnathopods, however perieopods with long dactyls, specialized for clinging to the mother are observed even in small individuals (Lim and Alexander 1986). The young are dependent on maternal care and cling to females for about a week after birth. Brooding females and females with newborns are more likely to fight with males than are non-reproducing females (Lim and Alexander 1986; Aoki 1999).
Ecology – Caprellids can feed in a variety of ways, including filtering small particles from the water, browsing on small filamentous algae, scraping tissue from large algae, scavenging, and predation (Turcotte and Sainte Marie 2009). An examination of the gut contents (specimens from Mauritius, Australia, Greece, and Chile) found that 99.8% of their diet was detritus (Guerra-Garciana and de Figeroa 2009). A later study found a dietary shift during development, with juvrniles doing more predatory feeding, and then shifting to detritus feeding as adults (Ros et al. 2014). Caprella scaura is known for using a wide range of habitats, including seaweeds, seagrasses, sponges, hydroids, bryozoans (Zoobotryon verticillatum, Bugula neritina), and manmade structures such as buoys, floating docks, and aquaculture systems (McCain 1968; Thiel et al. 2003; Foster et al. 2004; Guerra-Garcia et al. 2011; Ros et al. 2013; Ros et al. 2016; Molina et al. 2017). In short term experiments, C. scaura tolerated salinities as low as 7.5 PSU (Cockman and Albone 1987, cited by Ros et al. 2015), but on the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts of Spain,C. scaura predominated over C. equilibria at salinities of 36-38 PSU (Ros et al. 2015).
Phytoplankton, detritus
Trophic Status:
Suspension Feeder
General Habitat | Grass Bed | None |
General Habitat | Coarse Woody Debris | None |
General Habitat | Oyster Reef | None |
General Habitat | Marinas & Docks | None |
General Habitat | Rocky | None |
General Habitat | Unstructured Bottom | None |
Salinity Range | Polyhaline | 18-30 PSU |
Salinity Range | Euhaline | 30-40 PSU |
Tidal Range | Subtidal | None |
Vertical Habitat | Epibenthic | None |
Tolerances and Life History Parameters
Minimum Temperature (ºC) | 7 | Field, Mar Piccolo, Italy, Mediterranean Sea (Prato et al. 2013) |
Maximum Temperature (ºC) | 30 | Field, Mar Piccolo, Italy, Mediterranean Sea (Prato et al. 2013) |
Minimum Salinity (‰) | 7.5 | Experimental, 24 hr LC 50, Swan River, Western Australia, Cockman and Albone 1987, cited by Ros et al. (2015). |
Maximum Salinity (‰) | 38 | Field, Mar Piccolo, Italy, Mediterranean Sea (Prato et al. 2013) |
Minimum Length (mm) | 5.6 | For mature breeding females,Mar Piccolo, Italy, Mediterranean Sea, Prato et al. 2013) |
Maximum Length (mm) | 23 | Mar Piccolo, Italy, Mediterranean Sea (Prato et al. 2013) |
Broad Temperature Range | None | Warm temperate-Tropical |
Broad Salinity Range | None | Polyhaline-Euhaline |
General Impacts
Caprella scaura has reached very high densities in some introduced locations, including Cadiz Harbor (Guerra-Garcia et al. 2011) and Roses Bay, Spain (Martinez and Adaragga 2008); the Venice Lagoon (Krapp et al. 2006); and in aquaculture operations in the Canary Islands (Guerra-Garcia et al. 2011). In Cadiz Harbor, C. scaura apparently displaced native caprellids and other amphipods (Guerra-Garcia et al. 2011). While this caprellid has been associated with fish culture, negative impacts on aquaculture have not been reported.Regional Distribution Map
Bioregion | Region Name | Year | Invasion Status | Population Status |
P023 | _CDA_P023 (San Louis Rey-Escondido) | 2011 | Non-native | Established |
P040 | Newport Bay | 2011 | Non-native | Established |
P070 | Morro Bay | 2011 | Non-native | Unknown |
P050 | San Pedro Bay | 2001 | Non-native | Established |
P062 | _CDA_P062 (Calleguas) | 2001 | Non-native | Established |
P060 | Santa Monica Bay | 2001 | Non-native | Established |
P020 | San Diego Bay | 2001 | Non-native | Established |
NEP-VI | Pt. Conception to Southern Baja California | 2001 | Non-native | Established |
P090 | San Francisco Bay | 1978 | Non-native | Established |
NEP-V | Northern California to Mid Channel Islands | 1978 | Non-native | Established |
P080 | Monterey Bay | 1978 | Non-native | Established |
Occurrence Map
OCC_ID | Author | Year | Date | Locality | Status | Latitude | Longitude |
755347 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-07-10 | Channel Islands Harbor Epifaunal 02 | Non-native | 34.1811 | -119.2319 |
755348 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-07-11 | Los Angeles Epifaunal 01 | Non-native | 33.7348 | -118.2478 |
755349 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-07-11 | Los Angeles Epifaunal 04 | Non-native | 33.7655 | -118.2529 |
755350 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-07-11 | Los Angeles Epifaunal 05 | Non-native | 33.7648 | -118.2424 |
755351 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-07-11 | Marina Del Rey Epifaunal 04 | Non-native | 33.9760 | -118.4460 |
755352 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-07-12 | Huntington Harbour Epifaunal 02 | Non-native | 33.7175 | -118.0658 |
755353 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-07-12 | Huntington Harbour Epifaunal 03 | Non-native | 33.7283 | -118.0601 |
755354 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-07-12 | Huntington Harbour Epifaunal 04 | Non-native | 33.7278 | -118.0787 |
755355 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-08-16 | Long Beach Epifaunal 02 | Non-native | 33.7477 | -118.1975 |
755356 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-08-16 | Long Beach Epifaunal 03 | Non-native | 33.7628 | -118.2145 |
755357 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-08-16 | Long Beach Epifaunal 04 | Non-native | 33.7709 | -118.2113 |
755358 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-08-16 | Long Beach Epifaunal 06 | Non-native | 33.7697 | -118.2283 |
755359 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-10-09 | Bulk Carrier Terminal | Non-native | 32.6969 | -117.1526 |
755360 | ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data | 2001 | 2001-10-10 | Shelter Island Marina | Non-native | 32.7180 | -117.2255 |
755361 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-08-25 | Central Basin | Non-native | 37.7643 | -122.3863 |
755362 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-08-25 | China Basin | Non-native | 37.7780 | -122.3881 |
755363 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-08-25 | Ferry Terminal Pier | Non-native | 37.7945 | -122.3917 |
755364 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-08-25 | Potrero Point | Non-native | 37.7521 | -122.3790 |
755365 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-09-08 | Cruise Ship Pier | Non-native | 37.8085 | -122.4060 |
755366 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-09-08 | Pier 39 | Non-native | 37.8108 | -122.4086 |
755367 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-09-08 | Pier 45 | Non-native | 37.8111 | -122.4196 |
755368 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-09-08 | Saint Francis Yacht Harbor | Non-native | 37.8066 | -122.4463 |
755369 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-09-08 | Treasure Island | Non-native | 37.8149 | -122.3702 |
755370 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-09-09 | Coyote Point Marina | Non-native | 37.5905 | -122.3177 |
755371 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-09-09 | Sierra Point Marina | Non-native | 37.6740 | -122.3792 |
755372 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-04 | Berkeley Flats/Berkeley Pier | Non-native | 37.8600 | -122.3256 |
755373 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-04 | Berkeley Marina | Non-native | 37.8676 | -122.3172 |
755374 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-04 | Oakland Inner Harbor - Shipping cranes | Non-native | 37.7947 | -122.3095 |
755375 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-04 | Oakland Outer Harbor | Non-native | 37.8217 | -122.3145 |
755376 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-05 | Ballena Bay | Non-native | 37.7661 | -122.2834 |
755377 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-05 | Coast Guard Island | Non-native | 37.7812 | -122.2457 |
755378 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-05 | Oakland Inner Harbor - Small marinas | Non-native | 37.7847 | -122.2669 |
755379 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-05 | Port of Oakland Office | Non-native | 37.7954 | -122.2804 |
755380 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-05 | Sea Plane Lagoon | Non-native | 37.7761 | -122.2998 |
755381 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-06 | Chevron Pier | Non-native | 37.9228 | -122.4105 |
755382 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-06 | Point Richmond Piers | Non-native | 37.9085 | -122.3913 |
755383 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-06 | Richmond Marina | Non-native | 37.9137 | -122.3504 |
755384 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-06 | Santa Fe Channel - Back | Non-native | 37.9207 | -122.3684 |
755385 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-06 | Santa Fe Channel - Front | Non-native | 37.9101 | -122.3644 |
755386 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-07 | Benicia Waterfront | Non-native | 38.0401 | -122.1385 |
755387 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-20 | Point San Pablo Yacht Harbor | Non-native | 37.9643 | -122.4185 |
755388 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-21 | Ayala Cove | Non-native | 37.8680 | -122.4350 |
755389 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-21 | Corinthian Marina | Non-native | 37.8726 | -122.4563 |
755390 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-21 | Paradise Cay | Non-native | 37.9146 | -122.4776 |
755391 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-21 | Richardson Bay | Non-native | 37.8588 | -122.4798 |
755392 | Introduced Species Study | 2005 | 2005-10-21 | Romberg Tiburon Center | Non-native | 37.8906 | -122.4458 |
755393 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-07-28 | Coast Guard Pier | Non-native | 35.3707 | -120.8585 |
755394 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-07-28 | Derelict Boat | Non-native | 35.3589 | -120.8524 |
755395 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-21 | APL Terminal | Non-native | 33.7348 | -118.2479 |
755396 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-21 | LA/Long Beach Cruise Ship Pier | Non-native | 33.7446 | -118.2762 |
755397 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-21 | Loading Dock at Bumper Pad #51 | Non-native | 33.7410 | -118.2746 |
755398 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-21 | Slip D-50 | Non-native | 33.7165 | -118.2801 |
755399 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-22 | Backside of Working Container Ship Pier | Non-native | 33.7667 | -118.2774 |
755400 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-22 | Draw Bridge | Non-native | 33.7645 | -118.2428 |
755401 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-22 | Fuel Depot | Non-native | 33.7440 | -118.2358 |
755402 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-22 | LA/Long Beach Coast Guard Pier | Non-native | 33.7233 | -118.2685 |
755403 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-22 | Port of Los Angeles Clock Tower | Non-native | 33.7540 | -118.2697 |
755404 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-22 | Yacht Haven Marina | Non-native | 33.7655 | -118.2528 |
755405 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-23 | Hyundai Container Ship Dock | Non-native | 33.7628 | -118.2144 |
755406 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-23 | ITS Terminal | Non-native | 33.7483 | -118.1973 |
755407 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-23 | Long Beach Downtown Marina - ISS | Non-native | 33.7594 | -118.1866 |
755408 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-23 | Super Mexico Pier | Non-native | 33.7708 | -118.2113 |
755409 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-23 | Under the Bridge | Non-native | 33.7697 | -118.2284 |
755410 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-24 | New Site (Blue Awnings) | Non-native | 33.7224 | -118.0561 |
755411 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-08-24 | Yellow Condos | Non-native | 33.7283 | -118.0602 |
755412 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-09-12 | Dana Inn Marina | Non-native | 32.7671 | -117.2362 |
755413 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-09-14 | Back Bay Marina | Non-native | 33.6194 | -117.8933 |
755414 | Introduced Species Study | 2006 | 2006-09-15 | Ocean Institute Dock | Non-native | 33.4622 | -117.7063 |
755415 | Introduced Species Study | 2010 | 2010-05-31 | Redwood Creek - Marina | Non-native | 37.5021 | -122.2130 |
755416 | Introduced Species Study | 2010 | 2010-06-01 | Sea Plane Harbor | Non-native | 37.6349 | -122.3848 |
755417 | Introduced Species Study | 2010 | 2010-06-02 | Oakland Inner Harbor - Shipping cranes | Non-native | 37.7947 | -122.3095 |
755418 | Introduced Species Study | 2010 | 2010-06-03 | Berkeley Flats/Berkeley Pier | Non-native | 37.8600 | -122.3256 |
755419 | Introduced Species Study | 2010 | 2010-06-13 | Coyote Point | Non-native | 37.5920 | -122.3210 |
755420 | Introduced Species Study | 2010 | 2010-06-28 | Chevron Pier | Non-native | 37.9228 | -122.4105 |
755421 | Introduced Species Study | 2010 | 2010-06-28 | Point Richmond Piers | Non-native | 37.9085 | -122.3913 |
755422 | Introduced Species Study | 2010 | 2010-06-28 | Santa Fe Channel - Back | Non-native | 37.9207 | -122.3684 |
755423 | Introduced Species Study | 2010 | 2010-06-28 | Santa Fe Channel - Front | Non-native | 37.9101 | -122.3644 |
755424 | Introduced Species Study | 2010 | 2010-07-01 | Ayala Cove | Non-native | 37.8680 | -122.4350 |
755425 | Introduced Species Study | 2010 | 2010-07-14 | Paradise Cay | Non-native | 37.9146 | -122.4776 |
755426 | Introduced Species Study | 2010 | 2010-07-14 | Romberg Tiburon Center | Non-native | 37.8906 | -122.4458 |
755427 | Introduced Species Study | 2010 | 2010-07-29 | San Mateo Bridge | Non-native | 37.5806 | -122.2543 |
755428 | Introduced Species Study | 2011 | 2011-04-05 | Morro Bay Boat Yard | Non-native | 35.3570 | -120.8492 |
755429 | Introduced Species Study | 2011 | 2011-04-19 | Newport Bay Harbor Entrance | Non-native | 33.5974 | -117.8798 |
755430 | Introduced Species Study | 2011 | 2011-05-05 | Middle Harbor Yacht Slip | Non-native | 33.2106 | -117.3960 |
755431 | Introduced Species Study | 2011 | 2011-05-05 | Oceanside Commercial Fishing Dock | Non-native | 33.2057 | -117.3897 |
755432 | Introduced Species Study | 2011 | 2011-05-16 | Breakwater Cove Marina | Non-native | 36.6090 | -121.8936 |
758346 | California Academy of Sciences, Invertebrate Zoology Collections Database | 1986 | 1986-09-17 | N of Coyote Point | Non-native | 37.6050 | -122.3108 |
758347 | California Academy of Sciences, Invertebrate Zoology Collections Database | 1987 | 1987-10-02 | S of Brooks Island and W of Fleming Point (near Berkeley) | Non-native | 37.8738 | -122.3533 |
758348 | California Academy of Sciences, Invertebrate Zoology Collections Database | 1987 | 1987-09-25 | N of Coyote Point | Non-native | 37.6050 | -122.3108 |
758349 | California Academy of Sciences, Invertebrate Zoology Collections Database | 1986 | 1986-09-17 | Off San Lorenzo | Non-native | 37.6595 | -122.2362 |
758350 | California Academy of Sciences, Invertebrate Zoology Collections Database | 1987 | 1987-07-22 | S of Brooks Island and W of Fleming Point (near Berkeley) | Non-native | 37.8738 | -122.3533 |
758351 | Marelli 1981 | 1978 | Potrero Generating Station | Non-native | 37.7565 | -122.3815 | |
758352 | Marelli 1981 | 1978 | Hunter's Point Power Plant | Non-native | 37.7381 | -122.3766 | |
758353 | Marelli 1981 | 1978 | Moss Landing Power Plant | Non-native | 36.8049 | -121.7844 | |
767664 | Ruiz et al., 2015 | 2013 | 2013-07-16 | Naval Base Point Loma, San Diego Bay, CA, California, USA | Non-native | 32.6886 | -117.2343 |
768001 | Ruiz et al., 2015 | 2012 | 2012-08-23 | Sausalito Marine Harbor, San Francisco Bay, CA, California, USA | Non-native | 37.8609 | -122.4853 |
768228 | Ruiz et al., 2015 | 2012 | 2012-09-13 | San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay, CA, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6962 | -122.1919 |
770908 | Ruiz et al., 2021a | 2017 | 2017-09-26 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.5869 | -122.3237 |
772042 | Ruiz et al., 2021a | 2018 | 2018-09-21 | Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7843 | -122.2648 |
772058 | Ruiz et al., 2021a | 2018 | 2018-09-21 | Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7843 | -122.2648 |
772079 | Ruiz et al., 2021a | 2018 | 2018-09-21 | Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7843 | -122.2648 |
772097 | Ruiz et al., 2021a | 2018 | 2018-09-21 | Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7843 | -122.2648 |
772529 | Ruiz et al., 2021a | 2018 | 2018-09-19 | Sausalito Marine Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.8609 | -122.4855 |
772575 | Ruiz et al., 2021a | 2018 | 2018-09-27 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6634 | -122.3823 |
772613 | Ruiz et al., 2021a | 2018 | 2018-09-27 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6634 | -122.3823 |
775970 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2014 | 2014-09-17 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6639 | -122.3758 |
775972 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2014 | 2014-09-17 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6639 | -122.3758 |
775975 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2014 | 2014-09-17 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6639 | -122.3758 |
776011 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2014 | 2014-09-10 | Richmond Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.9138 | -122.3522 |
776032 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2014 | 2014-09-18 | Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7835 | -122.2630 |
776035 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2014 | 2014-09-18 | Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7835 | -122.2630 |
776038 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2014 | 2014-09-18 | Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7835 | -122.2630 |
776044 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2014 | 2014-09-18 | Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7835 | -122.2630 |
776047 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-24 | Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7839 | -122.2641 |
776049 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-24 | Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7839 | -122.2641 |
776054 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-24 | Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7839 | -122.2641 |
776058 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-24 | Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7839 | -122.2641 |
776078 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-21 | Redwood City Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.5022 | -122.2129 |
776085 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-21 | Redwood City Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.5022 | -122.2129 |
776089 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-14 | Richmond Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.9129 | -122.3492 |
776102 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-14 | Richmond Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.9129 | -122.3492 |
776104 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-14 | Richmond Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.9129 | -122.3492 |
776116 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-17 | Ballena Isle Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7679 | -122.2863 |
776119 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-17 | Ballena Isle Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.7679 | -122.2863 |
776124 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-10 | Glen Cove Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 38.4096 | -122.1247 |
776125 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-10 | Glen Cove Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 38.4096 | -122.1247 |
776128 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-23 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6630 | -122.3798 |
776130 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-23 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6630 | -122.3798 |
776132 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-23 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6630 | -122.3798 |
776136 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-23 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6630 | -122.3798 |
776138 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-23 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6630 | -122.3798 |
776140 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-22 | Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.5887 | -122.3164 |
776143 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-22 | Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.5887 | -122.3164 |
776145 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-22 | Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.5887 | -122.3164 |
776151 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-18 | Loch Lomond Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.9731 | -122.4827 |
776152 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-18 | Loch Lomond Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.9731 | -122.4827 |
776155 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-18 | Loch Lomond Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.9731 | -122.4827 |
776169 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-25 | Sausalito Marine Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.8612 | -122.4849 |
776179 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2015 | 2015-09-16 | San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6978 | -122.1928 |
776203 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2016 | 2016-09-23 | Sausalito Marine Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.8606 | -122.4853 |
776206 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2016 | 2016-09-23 | Sausalito Marine Harbor, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.8606 | -122.4853 |
776224 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2016 | 2016-09-21 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6633 | -122.3759 |
776227 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2016 | 2016-09-21 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6633 | -122.3759 |
776230 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2016 | 2016-09-21 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6633 | -122.3759 |
776232 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2016 | 2016-09-21 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6633 | -122.3759 |
776235 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2016 | 2016-09-21 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6633 | -122.3759 |
776238 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2016 | 2016-09-21 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6633 | -122.3759 |
776244 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2016 | 2016-09-21 | Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.6633 | -122.3759 |
776246 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2016 | 2016-09-22 | Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.5898 | -122.3165 |
776251 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2016 | 2016-09-22 | Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.5898 | -122.3165 |
776253 | Ruiz et al., 2022 | 2016 | 2016-09-22 | Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA | Non-native | 37.5898 | -122.3165 |
819873 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2014 | Oyster Point | None | 37.6937 | -122.3689 | |
819874 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2014 | SF marina | None | 37.8075 | -122.4347 | |
819875 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2014 | Hayward | None | 37.6485 | -122.2184 | |
819876 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2014 | Ballena Isle | None | 37.7583 | -122.2841 | |
819877 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2014 | San Mateo | None | 37.5938 | -122.3036 | |
819878 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2014 | San Bruno | None | 37.6479 | -122.3662 | |
819879 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2014 | Richmond | None | 37.9187 | -122.3919 | |
819880 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2014 | Albany | None | 37.8877 | -122.3247 | |
819881 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2014 | San Quentin | None | 37.9372 | -122.4787 | |
819882 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2014 | Richardson bay | None | 37.8715 | -122.4790 | |
820083 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2015 | Oakland | None | 37.7056 | -122.2473 | |
820084 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2015 | Ballena Isle | None | 37.7588 | -122.2834 | |
820085 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2015 | SF marina | None | 37.8074 | -122.4345 | |
820086 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2015 | Richardson bay | None | 37.8705 | -122.4797 | |
820087 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2015 | Smithsonian | None | 37.8981 | -122.4623 | |
820088 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2015 | Hunters Point | None | 37.7088 | -122.3691 | |
820089 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2015 | Oyster Point | None | 37.6747 | -122.3753 | |
820090 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2015 | Union City | None | 37.5865 | -122.1743 | |
820091 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2015 | Albany | None | 37.8879 | -122.3245 | |
820092 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2015 | San Lorenzo | None | 37.6480 | -122.2159 | |
820303 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2016 | SF marina | None | 37.8071 | -122.4345 | |
820304 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2016 | Bay Farm | None | 37.7237 | -122.2632 | |
820305 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2016 | Brisbane | None | 37.6560 | -122.3697 | |
820306 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2016 | Mission Bay | None | 37.7553 | -122.3790 | |
820307 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2016 | Albany | None | 37.8773 | -122.3241 | |
820308 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2016 | El Cerrito | None | 37.8885 | -122.3367 | |
820309 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2016 | Richardson bay | None | 37.8669 | -122.4751 | |
820310 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2016 | Paradise Cay | None | 37.9044 | -122.4684 | |
820311 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2016 | Oyster Point | None | 37.6688 | -122.3741 | |
820312 | Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2018) | 2016 | Ballena Isle | None | 37.7516 | -122.2878 |
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