Puccinellia maritima (Common Saltmarsh Grass; European Alkali-Grass) is a grass native to saltmarshes and seashores from Spain to western Siberia. It can grow as erect stalks up to 1000mm tall, or as spreading bunches. It occurs in Iceland and Greenland (cryptogenic?), but was introduced by the 19th century to the East Coast of North America from Rhode Island to Nova Scotia andNewfoundland. In 1934, this plant was recorded from San Francisco Bay, where it is established. There are several records from Puget Sound (1997-2020) and one from Vancouver Island, British Columbia (1979). The San Francisco Bay records could be due to transport in dry ballast or cargo. Cargo is more likely for the Washington and British Columbia occurrances, Early reports from Alaska were due to confusion with native species of Puccinellia.