American Sea-rocket (Cakile edentula) is a salt-tolerant succulent plant of the family Brassicaceae (Cabbage family), native to the coasts of North America from Florida to Labrador, and the shores of the Great Lakes. Sea-Rockets grow on beaches, dunes, and rocky shores at or above the high-tide mark. The plants grow to about 500 mm tall, with purplish-white 4 petaled flowers. Cakile edentula has been introduced to the Pacific Coast of North America from Mexico to Alaska. Cakile edentula was first found in California in 1888, Oregon in 1901, Washington in 1906, and Kodiak Island, Alaska by 1936. It has also been introduced to the Azores, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, China, and Pacific Russia. It has floating seed-pods, which are easily dispersed by currents, and has been introduced widely by dry ballast and cargo. In much of its West Coast range, it has been wholly or largely replaced by the European Sea-Rocket (C. maritima).