Invasion History

First Non-native North American Tidal Record: 1896
First Non-native West Coast Tidal Record: 1896
First Non-native East/Gulf Coast Tidal Record:

General Invasion History:

Alitta succinea was described from the North Sea, Germany in 1847. However, Sato (2013) suggests that the East Coast of North America is a probable native region. On the East Coast, south of Cape Cod, A. succinea is the sole nereid in low-salinity waters, while in Europe (and the Gulfs of Maine and St. Lawrence) Hediste diversicolor also occurs in brackish-water habitats, and often occurs in lower salinities than A. succinea. Alitta succinea expanded its range in Europe in the 20th century (Pettibone 1963; Sato 2013), especially in the end of its northern range. It was first recorded on the west coast of Sweden in 1940 and in Denmark in 1949 (Jensen 2010). In the western Atlantic, its reported range extends into the tropics (Colombia, Venezuela, and Bahia State, Brazil) and further south through Brazil, Uruguay and northern Argentina (Pettibone 1963; Londoño-Meso et al. 2002; Orensanz et al. 2002; de Oliveira et al. 2012). This species appears to have evolved on one side or the other of the North Atlantic Ocean, but has clearly colonized many other regions. In this account we will treat the many populations as a single species, but worldwide genetic studies of this species are needed.

North American Invasion History:

Invasion History on the West Coast:

Alitta succinea was first reported from the West Coast of the US in the Oakland estuary in San Francisco Bay, California (CA) in 1896 (Carlton 1979). In San Francisco Bay, its range extends into the South Bay, San Pablo Bay, and Antioch at the western end of the Delta. In the 20th century, A. succinea spread to the north and south. In 1952-1956, A. succinea was collected in the San Gabriel River and Alamitos Bay, CA and later (1972) in Los Angeles Harbor and Newport Bay, CA (Carlton 1979). Further south, this species occurred in scattered locations on the Pacific coasts of Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia (Low-Pfeng and Recagno 2012; Bastida-Zavala et al. 2014; US National Museum of Natural History 2014). In 1941, A. succinea was found in Tomales Bay, CA (Carlton 1979). To the north it was found in Netarts Bay, Oregon (OR) by 1976 (Stout 1976, cited by Carlton 1979); Coos Bay, OR by 1986 (Carlton 1989; Wonham and Carlton 2005); and Puget Sound, Washington in 1998 (Cohen et al. 1998; Cohen et al. 2001).

Alitta succinea was discovered in 1936 in the Salton Sea, California. It may have been introduced as bait or accidentally with stocked marine fish. This salt lake was accidentally produced by a flood flowing through a man-made canal connected to the Colorado River, and has increased in salinity through evaporation from brackish to marine, and now to hypersaline conditions (44-60 g/l ). The Pile Worm remains the dominant macrobenthic organism in the lake (Riedel and Costa-Pierce 2005).

Invasion History in Hawaii:

Alitta succinea was collected at an unspecified location on Oahu in 1941, and in Waikiki Bay, Oahu in 1945 (Coles et al. 2002; Carlton and Eldredge 2009). A later collection was in the Alai Wai Canal, Oahu, where it was 'abundant in the mud along the banks' (Bailey-Brock and Hartman 1987, cited by Carlton and Eldredge 2009).

Invasion History Elsewhere in the World:

As noted above, Alitta succinea occurs on the Pacific Coast of Mexico, and Central America. Early records (1957) from the Gulf of Panama suggest transport through the Panama Canal (Pettibone 1963; U.S. National Museum of Natural History 2014). Specimens from Colombia (Bastida-Zavala et al. 2014; US National Museum of Natural History 2014) probably refer to the similar, presumably native species A. acutifolia (Villalobos-Guerrero and Carrera-Parra 2015; Ferreira et al. 2024). Other records from the Pacific coast of Baja California, the Gulf of California, Sinaloa (1st record 1972), and Costa Rica (1st record 1980) are more scattered and indicative of sporadic transport along the coast by shipping or aquaculture (Villalobos-Guerrero 2012 (in Low-Pfeng and Recagno 2012); Bastida-Zavala et al. 2014; US National Museum of Natural History 2014).

Alitta succinea can be considered cryptogenic on both sides of the North Atlantic, although it was first described from the island of Helgoland, Germany, in the North Sea in 1847 (Sato 2013). Its distribution appears to be spotty in some regions. Dewarumez et al. (1992) noted a single specimen in Dunkerque Harbor, France and noted that this species was not found in the fauna of Roscoff or Plymouth. It appears to have expanded its range northward in the 20th century. It was first recorded in Sweden in 1940, Denmark in 1949, and Norway, in the Oslofjord, before 1990 (Abbiati 1990).

More definite introductions of A. succinea occurred in the Caspian Basin. In 1940, nereid polychaetes from the Sea of Azov were introduced to the Caspian Sea. These were initially identified as A. succinea (Spassky 1945) and later reported to be all Hediste diversicolor (eg. Aladin et al. 2002; Grigorovich et al. 2003). Recent collections and historical records indicate that both species were introduced and established (Ghasemi et al. 2013). Alitta succinea was also introduced to the Aral Sea, and was abundant by 1974 (Proskurina 1980, cited by Sato 2013).

In the Northwest Pacific, A. succinea was first recorded in Tokyo Bay in 1964. It is now abundant in Japanese and Korean estuaries which are subject to pollution and eutrophication (Sato 2013). It has been reported from Vladivostok, Russia in the Sea of Japan (Khlebovich 1996, cited by Sato 2013); Masan Bay, South Korea; Tianjin, China, on the Bohai Sea (Huang 2001; Sato 2013); and Hong Kong (Wang and Huang 1993).

In Australia, A. succinea was first collected in Port Phillip Bay in 1978 (Wilson 1999). Records from other parts of the continent are based on records of Nectoneanthes oxypoda (Sato 2013). It occurs sporadically in estuaries near Melbourne (Wilson 1999). This polychaete has also been introduced to the southeast coast of South Africa. Day (1967, cited by Mead et al. 2011b) found it in Durban Bay, and several bays near Port Elizabeth.


Alitta succinea has an elongate, cylindrical body, divided into up to 160 segments. The prostomium is pear-shaped, with four eyes, two frontal antennae, and a pair of stout conical palps. The prostomium is flanked by four pairs of tentacular cirri. The posterior pair of tentacular cirri is longest, and can reach back to chaetigers 4-15. Ventrally and anteriorly, the muscular extendable proboscis consists of two rings, terminating in a pair of amber-colored jaws, with 4-9 teeth each. It is possible to see it only when the organism is relaxed and the proboscis extruded. The proboscis is marked by patches of amber-colored denticles (paragnaths) arranged in species-specific patterns (see Pettibone (1963), Sato (2013) and Villalobos-Guerrero and Carrera-Parra (2015), for descriptions of these patterns in A. succinea). These patterns and details of chaetal structure (acicula, homogomph, heterogomph, spiniger, falciger), are needed for identification of species (Pettibone 1963; Blake and Ruff in Carlton 2007; Sato 2013; Villalobos-Guerrero and Carrera-Parra 2015), but will not be dealt with it here.

The parapodia vary greatly in form from anterior to posterior part of the body, with the posterior appendages being longer and more elongated in shape. The two anterior-most parapodiae are not fully biramous. The subsequent anterior parapodia are divided into two branches, which are in turn divided into smaller lobes, called ligules. The dorsal part is called the notopodium. It has a dorsal cirrus, which does not extend beyond the ligules. The dorsal ligule is large and triangular, the lowest (ventral) one is smaller, and the middle one, called the prechaetal lobe, is smallest, about 1-2 to 2/3 the size of the ventral ligule, and bears a bundle of thin chaetae. The neuropodium has a dorsal ligule, a broader median post chaetal lobe, with a bundle of thicker chaetae, a ventral ligule, and a ventral cirrus. The parapodia start to change in the middle of the worm and are longer and different in structure in the posterior region. The dorsal ligule is long and strap-shaped, with the dorsal cirrus near the tip, the middle ligule reduced or absent, and the lower one short and conical. The neuropodium is more like that of the anterior region, except that the postchaetal ligule is missing (Pettibone 1963; Sato 2013).

Specimens of A. succinea range up to 170 mm. The worm is brownish anteriorly, with the prostomium and bases of the parapodia darkly pigmented. The rest of the body can be greenish, greenish-yellow, or pale reddish, and sometimes with white or dark dots. A red dorsal blood vessel runs down the midline of the body. This species is found in a wide range of habitats, including mud and sand bottoms, oyster beds, fouling communities, etc., and often occurs in brackish waters (Pettibone 1963).

Alitta succinea undergoes a dramatic morphological change (epitoky) when breeding, with both sexes changing into a 'heteronereis' form. The segments become compressed in the antero-posterior direction, so that the worm's body is shorter (14-55 mm in males; 30-75 mm in females). The eyes are enlarged, especially in males. The body becomes divided into three sections, an anterior section of 13-18 segments with unchanged chaetae, a middle section of 29-56 segment, with flattened parapodia and paddle-like chaetae, and a posterior 'tail' with un-modified chaetae. The body of the male becomes bright red, with a white tail, while the female is paler, white to yellow-green. During this mating period, the adults swarm and swim at the surface (Pettibone 1963).

The planktotrophic larval stages were described by Banse (1954) and Kinne (1954). Hansen (1999) shows an illustration of a 6-chaetiger larva.

Villalobos-Guerrero and Carrera-Parra (2015) re-described Alitta succinea, using exclusively material from the North Sea, Germany, near the type locality, whereas previous authors had combined features from multiple locations. They consider the globally reported 'A. succinea' to be a complex of species of unresolved native-invasion status. They examined worms previously A. succinea from Eastern Tropical Pacific in Mexico and Guatemala, and restored an earlier species name, A. acutifolia. Their work suggests that detailed morphological and genetic examination of 'A. succinea' populations worldwide will be needed to resolve their identity and invasion status.


Taxonomic Tree

Kingdom:   Animalia
Phylum:   Annelida
Class:   Polychaeta
Subclass:   Palpata
Order:   Aciculata
Suborder:   Phyllodocida
Family:   Nereididae
Genus:   Alitta
Species:   succinea


Alitta succinea (Bakken & Wilson, 2005)
Neanthes succinea (Imajima, 1972)
Nectoneanthes alatopalpis (Wesenberg-Lund, 1985)
Nereis alatopalpis (Wesenberg-Lund, 1949)
Nereis limbata (Ehlers, 1868)
Nereis succinea (Leuckart, 1847)

Potentially Misidentified Species

Alitta acutifolia
Treated as a synonym by some authors, shown to be a distinct species ranging from Guatemala to the tropical coast of Mexico and the Gulf of California (Villalobos-Guerrero and Carrera-Parra 2015).

Alitta virens
(= Nereis virens, Neanthes virens); North Atlantic, Newfoundland to Virginia, Norway to France, marine-estuarine. Much larger - up to 900 mm. Widely sold as a baitworm.

Hediste diversicolor
(= Nereis diversicolor); Northeast Atlantic, Mediterranean to Greenland; Northwest Atlantic, Cape Ann, Massachusetts to Gulf of St. Lawrence, most common in brackish habitats (Pettibone 1963).

Nectoneanthes oxypoda
Treated as a synonym by some authors, shown to be a distinct Northwest Pacific species. Nectoneanthes alatopalpis, formerly considered to be a synonym of A. succinea, is a synonym of N. oxypoda (Sato 2013).

Nectoneanthes uchiwa
Treated as a synonym by some authors, shown to be a distinct Northwest Pacific species (Sato 2013).



Alitta succinea is found in a wide range of intertidal and subtidal, brackish to marine habitats. Reproduction involves a dramatic metamorphosis (called epitoky), influenced by temperature, salinity, and (possibly) photoperiod (Kinne 1954; Fong 1991). Sexes are separate, and males usually transform at a smaller size (14-55 mm) than females (30-75 mm). The eyes become larger, especially in males. During metamorphosis, the body structure is modified and divided into three sections. The mid-section becomes modified for swimming, with paddle-like chaetae (Pettibone 1963). These modified adults 'heteronereis' swarm, often in immense numbers at the surface. The worms are attracted to light and swim rapidly, often in a gyrating motion, with males swimming faster and often pursuing females. Eggs and sperm are released into the water. Males and females die after spawning. This species is semelparous. Swarming has been observed both in daylight hours and at night (Pettibone 1963). In experiments in San Francisco Bay, higher salinity (20 vs. 5 PSU) and temperature (~18 vs. ~15°C) resulted in increased rates of metamorphosis. Increasing salinity from 5 to 20 PSU caused a 3-fold increase in metamorphosis. No photoperiod effects were seen in these experiments (Fong 1991). On the East Coast (MA-NC), swarming has been seen at various times from March to September (Pettibone 1963). On the West Coast, in San Leandro Creek, San Francisco Bay, spawning occurred in late August-early September (Fong 1991).

Females may carry 80,000 to 100,000 eggs (Elton 1958). Fertilized eggs develop into swimming trochophores and develop segments and protruding chaetae. Larvae are planktotrophic and feed on phytoplankton. When individuals have 8-10 chaetigerous segments, they settle. This takes about 10-14 days at 20-24°C (Banse 1954; Kinne 1954; Hansen 1999). They do not tolerate salinity lower than 14.5 PSU (Kinne 1954) and this could be the explanation for the species' biogeographical distribution.

Alitta succinea is reported to occur from cold-temperate to tropical habitats, although genetic comparisons of temperate and tropical populations have not been made. In northern parts of its range, it inhabits estuaries which are ice-covered in winter. Adults tolerate salinities as low as 2.5 PSU (Freel et al. 1973) and as high as 65 PSU (Kuhl and Oglesby 1979). Populations have survived in athalassic salt lakes such as the Salton Sea, Caspian Sea, and Aral Sea, although their salt compositions differ considerably from normal sea water (Kuhl and Oglesby 1979; Ghasemi et al. 2013). Reproductive metamorphosis in adults from San Francisco Bay occurs in salinities as low as 5 PSU, although some populations from elsewhere show impaired larval development at salinities below 8-11 PSU (Fong 1991). This polychaete can occur in 'very foul mud' (Pettibone 1963) and has colonized harbors in Japan where native nereids have been eliminated by development or pollution (Sato 2013). It can even tolerate brief period of hypoxia (1-3 days) (Kristensen 1983).

Alitta succinea favors sheltered habitats, including coves, estuaries, marshes, and mangrove areas. In sand, mud, or peat, this worm digs a broad U-shaped burrow. It also occurs under rocks, among oyster shells, barnacles, mussels, and sponges (Pettibone 1963). This worm is omnivorous, feeding on algae, detritus, diatoms, small invertebrates (including oyster larvae), and carrion (Fauchald and Jumars 1979; Barnes et al. 2010; de Oliveira et al. 2012). In its native and introduced ranges, it is an important food of crabs, fishes, and shorebirds (Pettibone 1963; Riedel and Costa-Pierce 2005; Ghasemi et al. 2013). On the East Coast of the US, it is the dominant nereid polychaete in estuarine waters, but in European waters, it dominates a salinity zone intermediate between that of the more marine Alitta virens and the more brackish-water Hediste diversicolor (Wolff 1974; Sato 2013). In San Francisco Bay, it occupies zones intermediate between the more marine Nereis vexillosa and the brackish-fresh Hediste limnicola (Cohen and Carlton 1995). In European waters, A. succinea and H. diversicolor are often mutually exclusive (Wolff 1973).


Algae, detritus, invertebrates


Fishes, crabs, birds


other nereid polychaetes

Trophic Status:




General HabitatCoarse Woody DebrisNone
General HabitatUnstructured BottomNone
General HabitatOyster ReefNone
General HabitatMarinas & DocksNone
General HabitatMangrovesNone
General HabitatVessel HullNone
General HabitatGrass BedNone
Salinity RangeOligohaline0.5-5 PSU
Salinity RangeMesohaline5-18 PSU
Salinity RangePolyhaline18-30 PSU
Salinity RangeEuhaline30-40 PSU
Salinity RangeHyperhaline40+ PSU
Tidal RangeSubtidalNone
Tidal RangeLow IntertidalNone
Vertical HabitatEndobenthicNone
Vertical HabitatEpibenthicNone

Life History

Tolerances and Life History Parameters

Minimum Temperature (ºC)0Based on geographical range
Maximum Temperature (ºC)34Maximum temperatures were monthly means (August) recorded in a powerplant effluent in the Patuxent River estuary, Maryland, where N. succinea was present (Nauman and Cory 1969).
Minimum Salinity (‰)2.5Survival at the minimum salinity was observed in animals from Colorado Lagoon, Long Beach CA Bay at 20 ºC (Freel et al. 1973).
Maximum Salinity (‰)65The maximum salinity was tested with worms from the Salton Sea using “Instant Ocean” artificial seawater (Kuhl and Oglesby 1979).
Minimum Reproductive Salinity14.5Larval development was unsuccessful at salinities below 14.5 PSU (Kinne 1954).
Maximum Reproductive Salinity50Epitokal maturation and normal embryonic and larval development in Salton Sea animals was seen at salinities as high as 45 ppt (Kuhl and Oglesby 1979)
Minimum Duration1020-24 C, 14-16 PSU, animals from Kiel Bay, Germany (Banse 1954).
Maximum Duration1420-24 C, 14-16 PSU, animals from Kiel Bay, Germany (Banse 1954).
Minimum Length (mm)14Male heteronereids, 14-55 mm; Female heteronereids, 30-75 mm (Pettibone 1963)
Maximum Length (mm)170Pettibone 1963
Broad Temperature RangeNoneCold-temperate-Tropical
Broad Salinity RangeNoneMesohaline-Euhaline

General Impacts

Alitta succinea is a relatively large, burrowing omnivorous polychaete. In the areas in which it has been introduced, it coexists with native nereid worms, but the degree to which those species are affected by competition, or displaced, is unknown. In European estuaries, A. succinea appears to be restricted to intermediate salinity ranges between the more marine Alitta virens and the more brackish Hediste diversicolor, and appears to require somewhat warmer conditions (Pettibone 1963). In San Francisco Bay, it is intermediate in salinity range between Nereis vexillosa and the brackish-fresh Hediste limnicola. It is possible that it has 'compressed' the ranges of the two natives through competition (Cohen and Carlton 1995). In Japan, A. succinea has invaded habitats where native nereids (Hediste japonica; Nectoneanthes uchiwa) have been disturbed by development, eutrophication, and pollution (Sato 2013). However, the role of competition has not been studied in these nereids. Alitta succinea is a major prey item of migratory shorebirds, and may be more important than native nereids because of its large size (Recher 1966; Iwamatsu et al. 2007).

More definite impacts have been observed when A. succinea has been introduced to saline lakes lacking connections to the sea, and lacking large polychaetes. Alitta succinea is a large burrowing animal, and is both a substantial food item for fishes and birds, and also has the potential to alter food and nutrient webs in salt lakes such as the Salton Sea, Sea of Azov, and the Caspian Sea (Riedel and Costa-Pierce 2005; Ghasemi et al. 2013).

Economic Impacts 

Fisheries- Alitta succinea was introduced to the Caspian, Aral, and Salton Seas to enhance fisheries in these saline lakes, and has provided an additional prey item for native and introduced fishes (Kuhl and Oglesby 1979; Riedel and Costa-Pierce 2005; Ghasemi et al. 2013). In the Salton Sea, an accidental, artificial body of salt water in a desert region of California, it provided the basis of the food chain which supported introduced gamefishes (Anisotremus davidsoni, Baidiella incistia, and Cynoscion xanthulus) from the Gulf of California (Kuhl and Oglesby 1979). As salinity increased, the marine fishes were replaced by hybrid Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus X urolepis) still largely dependent on A. succinea as food (Riedel and Costa-Pierce 2005). Similarly, introduced A. succinea and Hediste diversicolor remained abundant and a food source for the remaining fishes during a catastrophic increase in salinity and desiccation of the Aral Sea (Aladin et al. 2008; Proskurina 1980, cited by Sato 2013).

Ecological Impacts

Food/Prey- As noted above, A. succinea is a major prey item for fishes, especially in salt lakes with no native large polychaetes, such as the Caspian, Aral, and Salton Sea. As a large burrowing animal it has the potential to return buried carbon and nutrient resources to the foodweb (Kuhl and Oglesby 1979; Riedel and Costa-Pierce 2005; Swan et al. 2007; Aladin et al. 2008; Proskurina 1980, cited by Sato 2013). Alitta succinea is also an important prey item for migratory shorebirds, such as sandpipers and plovers in its native and introduced range. It may be more important than native nereids in its introduced ranges, because of its large size and wide environmental tolerances (Recher et al. 1966; Iwamatsu et al. 2007). In the Salton Sea, A. succinea is a major prey item for migrating populations of the Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis). Die-offs of the worm due to anoxia and hydrogen sulfide build-up in sediments, have resulted in die-offs of birds on the Salton Sea (Anderson et al. 2007).

Regional Impacts

P090San Francisco BayEcological ImpactFood/Prey
Alitta succinea was eaten by 11 species of shorebirds, at Palo Alto CA, on South San Francisco Bay. For four of these species [Semipalmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus), Long-Billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus), Dunlin (Calidris alpina), Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa)], A. succinea was more than 50% of gut contents (Recher 1966).
NEP-VNorthern California to Mid Channel IslandsEcological ImpactFood/Prey
Alitta succinea was eaten by 11 species of shorebirds at Palo Alto CA, on South San Francisco Bay. For four of these species [Semipalmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus), Long-Billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus), Dunlin (Calidris alpina), Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa)] A. succinea was more than 50% of gut contents (Recher 1966).
CACaliforniaEcological ImpactFood/Prey
Alitta succinea was eaten by 11 species of shorebirds at Palo Alto CA, on South San Francisco Bay. For four of these species [Semipalmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus), Long-Billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus), Dunlin (Calidris alpina), Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa)] A. succinea was more than 50% of gut contents (Recher 1966)., Alitta succinea was eaten by 11 species of shorebirds, at Palo Alto CA, on South San Francisco Bay. For four of these species [Semipalmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus), Long-Billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus), Dunlin (Calidris alpina), Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa)], A. succinea was more than 50% of gut contents (Recher 1966).

Regional Distribution Map

Bioregion Region Name Year Invasion Status Population Status
P130 Humboldt Bay 2015 Non-native Established
NEP-IV Puget Sound to Northern California 1976 Non-native Established
P040 Newport Bay 1972 Non-native Established
P045 _CDA_P045 (Santa Ana) 1956 Non-native Established
NEP-VI Pt. Conception to Southern Baja California 1952 Non-native Established
P050 San Pedro Bay 1952 Non-native Established
P110 Tomales Bay 1941 Non-native Established
NEP-V Northern California to Mid Channel Islands 1896 Non-native Established
P093 _CDA_P093 (San Pablo Bay) 1896 Non-native Established
P090 San Francisco Bay 1896 Non-native Established

Occurrence Map

OCC_ID Author Year Date Locality Status Latitude Longitude
697191 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-29 Mare Island Strait - Navy Non-native 38.1015 -122.2695
697194 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-19 Mare Island Strait - Navy Non-native 38.1015 -122.2695
697295 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-11 Cal Maritime Academy/Vallejo Non-native 38.0661 -122.2299
697299 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-11-14 Cal Maritime Academy/Vallejo Non-native 38.0661 -122.2299
697534 Reish and Winter 1954 1952 1952-07-30 North end, Alamitos Bay Marine Stadium (Station 23) Non-native 33.7674 -118.1285
697587 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-29 Benicia Waterfront Non-native 38.0401 -122.1385
697590 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-07 Benicia Waterfront Non-native 38.0401 -122.1385
697687 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-13 Port Sonoma/Petaluma R. Non-native 38.1157 -122.5026
697696 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-20 Port Sonoma/Petaluma R. Non-native 38.1157 -122.5026
697925 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-02 Port of Oakland Office Non-native 37.7954 -122.2804
698088 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-09 San Mateo Bridge Non-native 37.5806 -122.2543
698089 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-29 San Mateo Bridge Non-native 37.5806 -122.2543
698195 Nichols and Thompson 1985a 1985 Suisun Bay Non-native 38.0713 -122.0581
698259 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-23 Pier 39, San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.8114 -122.4098
698329 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-01 Loch Lomond Marina Area Non-native 37.9720 -122.4832
698805 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-26 Richmond Marina Boat Ramp, San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.9139 -122.3542
698863 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-25 Port Sonoma, San Pablo Bay Non-native 38.1156 -122.5026
699276 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-02 Oakland Inner Harbor - Shipping cranes Non-native 37.7947 -122.3095
699317 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-20 San Pablo Bay Pumphouse Non-native 38.0446 -122.4326
699420 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-07-06 Coyote Point Non-native 37.5920 -122.3210
699566 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-07 Redwood Creek - Shipping Non-native 37.5120 -122.2109
699778 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-30 Mare Island Strait - Marina Non-native 38.1051 -122.2667
699791 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-19 Mare Island Strait - Marina Non-native 38.1051 -122.2667
699851 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-09 Paradise Area Non-native 37.9062 -122.4768
699896 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-07 Redwood Creek - Marina Non-native 37.5021 -122.2130
699898 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-05-31 Redwood Creek - Marina Non-native 37.5021 -122.2130
699939 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-07 Dumbarton Bridge Non-native 37.5070 -122.1168
699940 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-05-31 Dumbarton Bridge Non-native 37.5070 -122.1168
699977 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-07-08 Point Richmond Non-native 37.9212 -122.3871
700001 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-09 McNears Beach Non-native 37.9962 -122.4556
700149 Hartman 1936, 1938 1935 Salton Sea Non-native 33.2525 -115.7437
700487 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-09 Coyote Point Marina Non-native 37.5905 -122.3177
700526 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-08 Sea Plane Lagoon Non-native 37.7761 -122.2998
700623 Crippen and Reish 1969 1966 1966-10-16 Los Angeles Harbor, in inner reaches of Slip 1 near Pier 160 (Station LA 39) Non-native 33.7628 -118.2662
700696 Reish et al. 1975 1975 Alamitos Bay, Station 21 Non-native 33.7338 -118.0748
700716 Reish 1972 1972 Newport Bay Non-native 33.6092 -117.9067
700811 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-09 Sea Plane Harbor Non-native 37.6349 -122.3848
700867 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-18 Pacheco Creek Oil Pier Non-native 38.0489 -122.0903
701216 Allan Hancock Foundation Collection, cited in Carlton 1979 1896 Oakland Estuary Non-native 37.7882 -122.2685
701442 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-19 Hercules Wharf Non-native 38.0231 -122.2928
701451 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-30 Hercules Wharf Non-native 38.0231 -122.2928
702072 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-07 Crissy Field Non-native 37.8059 -122.4566
702197 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-29 New York Point Marina Non-native 38.0400 -121.8863
702968 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-23 Sierra Point Marina, San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.6732 -122.3807
702980 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-25 Petaluma River Turning Basin, San Pablo Bay Non-native 38.2355 -122.6382
703269 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-11-15 China Camp Non-native 38.0025 -122.4617
703270 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-12 China Camp Non-native 38.0025 -122.4617
703601 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-10 Toll Plaza Non-native 37.8266 -122.3166
703645 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-28 Rodeo Marina, San Pablo Bay Non-native 38.0391 -122.2711
703796 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-10 Hayward Landing Non-native 37.6447 -122.1543
703808 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-13 Hayward Landing Non-native 37.6447 -122.1543
703906 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-30 Rodeo Marina Non-native 38.0394 -122.2717
703912 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-19 Rodeo Marina Non-native 38.0394 -122.2717
703986 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-05-31 Railroad Bridge Non-native 37.4602 -121.9750
704414 Light 1941, cited in Carlton 1979 1941 Tomales Bay Non-native 38.2100 -122.9400
704503 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-28 Napa Valley Marina, San Pablo Bay Non-native 38.2200 -122.3128
758794 Hartman 1954 1912 1912-03-01 USS Albatross Station 5719 Non-native 38.0319 -122.3707
758795 Hartman 1954 1912 1912-03-01 USS Albatross Station 5721 Non-native 38.0633 -122.2612
758796 Hartman 1954 1912 1912-03-20 USS Albatross Station 5751 Non-native 37.9623 -122.4675
758797 Hartman 1954 1912 1912-11-11 USS Albatross Station 5811 Non-native 37.5959 -122.3003
758798 Hartman 1954 1912 1912-11-27 USS Albatross Station 5812 Non-native 37.4783 -122.0859
758799 Hartman 1954 1912 1912-11-27 USS Albatross Station 5814 Non-native 37.5497 -122.2256
758800 Hartman 1954 1912 1912-12-09 USS Albatross Station 5815 Non-native 38.0632 -122.2332
758801 Hartman 1954 1912 1912-12-09 USS Albatross Station 5816 Non-native 38.0626 -122.2602
758802 Hartman 1954 1912 1912-12-09 USS Albatross Station 5817 Non-native 38.0502 -122.2994
758803 Hartman 1954 1912 1912-12-10 USS Albatross Station 5818 Non-native 38.0333 -122.3614
758804 Hartman 1938 1938 San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.8494 -122.3681
758805 Hartman 1938 1938 Lake Merritt Non-native 37.8025 -122.2578
758806 Light 1941, cited in Carlton 1979 1941 San Francisco Bay Non-native 37.8494 -122.3681
758807 Light 1941, cited in Hartman 1954 1941 Bay Farm Island Non-native 37.7453 -122.2183
758808 Light 1941, cited in Hartman 1954 1941 Lake Merritt Non-native 37.8025 -122.2578
758809 Zucca 1954 1950 Dumbarton Bridge Marsh Non-native 37.5006 -122.1311
758810 Filice 1954b 1951 1951-10-08 San Pablo Bay, about 2,400 feet NW of the end of Hercules Wharf Non-native 38.0281 -122.2983
758811 Filice 1954b 1951 1951-11-03 San Pablo Bay, mudflat south of Hercules Wharf Non-native 38.0203 -122.2897
758812 Filice 1954b 1951 1951-11-03 San Pablo Bay, about 4,650 feet NW of the end of Hercules Wharf Non-native 38.0342 -122.3011
758813 Filice 1954b 1951 1951-11-23 San Pablo Bay, about 1.5 miles NE of Lone Tree Point Non-native 38.0556 -122.2911
758814 Filice 1954b 1951 1951-11-23 San Pablo Bay, shallow cove between Pinole Point and Wilson Point Non-native 38.0133 -122.3350
758815 Filice 1954b 1951 1951-12-10 Suisun Bay, due W of Middle Ground Non-native 38.0644 -121.9992
758816 Filice 1954b 1951 1951-12-17 Suisun Bay, E of Mallard Island Non-native 38.0408 -121.9083
758817 Filice 1954b 1952 1952-03-29 San Pablo Bay, mudflats near site of Giant Powder Company Non-native 37.9928 -122.3628
758818 Reish and Winter 1954 1952 1952-07-30 Alamitos Bay Marine Stadium, south end (Station 22) Non-native 33.7545 -118.1139
758819 Reish and Winter 1954 1952 1952-07-30 Alamitos Bay Marine Stadium, north end (Station 23) Non-native 33.7669 -118.1279
758820 Reish and Winter 1954 1952 1952-07-30 Los Cerritos Channel, Station 25 (about 400 feet below Pacific Coast Highway) Non-native 33.7626 -118.1166
758821 Reish and Winter 1954 1952 1952-07-30 Los Cerritos Channel, Station 26 (at confluence of north and south forks) Non-native 33.7649 -118.1123
758822 Reish and Winter 1954 1952 1952-07-30 North Fork, Los Cerritos Channel, Station 27 (about 1,200 yards E of Pacific Coast Highway) Non-native 33.7671 -118.1047
758823 Reish and Winter 1954 1952 1952-07-30 South Fork, Los Cerritos Channel, Station 28 (about 600 feet E of Pacific Coast Highway) Non-native 33.7639 -118.1110
758824 Reish and Winter 1954 1952 1952-07-30 South Fork, Los Cerritos Channel, Station 30 (near terminus, about 700 feet E of Pacific Coast Highway) Non-native 33.7634 -118.1053
758825 Reish and Winter 1954 1952 1952-07-31 Colorado Lagoon, Station 31 (near storm sewer outfall) Non-native 33.7725 -118.1365
758826 Reish and Winter 1954 1952 1952-07-31 Colorado Lagoon, Station 32 (immediately above tidal gates) Non-native 33.7702 -118.1314
758827 Reish 1956 1954 1954-07-15 Lower San Gabriel River, Station 8 Non-native 33.7525 -118.1055
758828 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 San Pablo Bay, Station 21 Non-native 38.0889 -122.4636
758829 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 San Pablo Bay, Station 31 Non-native 38.0833 -122.4797
758830 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 San Pablo Bay, Station 22 Non-native 38.0900 -122.3569
758831 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 San Pablo Bay, Station 32 Non-native 38.1261 -122.3544
758832 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Carquinez Strait, Station 3 Non-native 38.0542 -122.1756
758833 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Carquinez Strait, Station 13 Non-native 38.0522 -122.1778
758834 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Carquinez Strait, Station 23 Non-native 38.0547 -122.1744
758835 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Carquinez Strait, Station 33 Non-native 38.0642 -122.1872
758836 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Suisun Bay, Station 4 Non-native 38.0567 -122.0744
758837 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Suisun Bay, Station 14 Non-native 38.0597 -122.0764
758838 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Suisun Bay, Station 24 Non-native 38.0606 -122.0769
758839 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Suisun Bay, Station 5 Non-native 38.0972 -122.0669
758840 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Grizzly Bay, Station 15 Non-native 38.1000 -122.0528
758841 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Grizzly Bay, Station 25 Non-native 38.1161 -122.0397
758842 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Grizzly Bay, Station 35 Non-native 38.1372 -122.0122
758843 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Suisun Bay, Station 16 Non-native 38.0628 -122.0053
758844 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Suisun Bay, Station 26 Non-native 38.0697 -122.0047
758845 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Eastern Suisun Bay, Station 7 Non-native 38.0531 -121.9481
758846 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Honker Bay, Station 17 Non-native 38.1567 -121.9461
758847 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Honker Bay, Station 27 Non-native 38.0703 -121.9297
758848 Painter 1966b; Hopkins 1986 1963 Honker Bay, Station 37 Non-native 38.0825 -121.9103
758849 Turner and Strachan 1969 1966 1966-04-29 Anaheim Bay westerly jetty (Station VII) Non-native 33.7375 -118.1195
758850 Turner and Strachan 1969 1966 1966-05-03 Alamitos Bay easterly jetty (Station VIII) Non-native 33.7286 -118.1018
758851 Vassallo 1969, 1971 1967 Mudflats offshore of Hayward Non-native 37.6250 -122.1558
758852 Reish and Alosi 1968 1968 Alamitos Bay Non-native 33.7502 -118.1185
758853 Kauwling and Reish 1975 1970 1970-07-30 Huntington Harbour, Station 9 Non-native 33.7222 -118.0567
758854 Kauwling and Reish 1975 1971 1971-01-28 Huntington Harbour, Station 9 Non-native 33.7222 -118.0567
758855 Kauwling and Reish 1975 1971 1971-01-28 Anaheim Bay, Station 21 Non-native 33.7339 -118.0751
758856 Chapman and Dorman 1975 1971 1971-09-21 Carquinez Strait Non-native 38.0507 -122.1748
758857 Chapman and Dorman 1975 1972 1972-03-19 Tubbs Island, NE side Non-native 38.1256 -122.4367
758858 Reish 1972 1972 Alamitos Bay Non-native 33.7502 -118.1185
758859 Reish 1972 1972 Newport Bay Non-native 33.6092 -117.9067
758860 Carlton 1979 1979 Lake Merritt Non-native 37.8025 -122.2578
758861 Aldrich 1961 1955 San Joaquin River at Antioch Non-native 38.0258 -121.7547
758862 Aldrich 1961 1955 San Joaquin River at Bradford Non-native 38.0944 -121.6711
758863 Aldrich 1961 1955 San Joaquin River at Antioch Non-native 38.0258 -121.7547
758864 Aldrich 1961 1955 San Joaquin River at Bradford Non-native 38.0944 -121.6711
758865 Recher 1966 1962 near Mouth of San Francisquito Creek Non-native 37.4658 -122.1156
758866 Tosuji and Furota 2016 2013 2013-08-21 Napa River (Mare Island Strait) Non-native 38.0833 -122.2500
758867 Tosuji and Furota 2016 2013 2013-08-23 Alviso Slough Non-native 37.4264 -121.9793
768127 Ruiz et al., 2015 2012 2012-09-04 Redwood City Marina, San Francisco Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 37.5023 -122.2130
768170 Ruiz et al., 2015 2012 2012-09-05 Port of Oakland, San Francisco Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 37.7987 -122.3228
768375 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-08-14 Redwood City Marina, San Francisco Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 37.5024 -122.2134
775143 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-08-18 Fairhaven Terminal, Humboldt Bay, California, USA Non-native 40.7884 -124.1946
775144 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-08-18 Fairhaven Terminal, Humboldt Bay, California, USA Non-native 40.7884 -124.1946
775145 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-08-10 Woodley Island Marina, Humboldt Bay, California, USA Non-native 40.8078 -124.1610
775146 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-08-20 Humboldt Bay Forest Products, Humboldt Bay, California, USA Non-native 40.7326 -124.2191
775147 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-17 Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6639 -122.3758
775148 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-11 Redwood City Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5024 -122.2134
775149 Ruiz et al., 2022 2014 2014-09-04 Glen Cove Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 38.0674 -122.2131
775150 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-23 Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6630 -122.3798
819183 Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2015) 2012 San Leandro None 37.6580 -122.2217
819184 Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2015) 2012 Redwood City None 37.5574 -122.1755
819185 Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2015) 2012 Coyote Point None 37.5987 -122.3252
819186 Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2015) 2012 None None
819187 Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2015) 2012 Corte Madera None 37.9309 -122.4819
819188 Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2015) 2012 Oyster Point None 37.6805 -122.3731
819189 Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2015) 2012 Richardson Bay None 37.8788 -122.4759
819190 Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2015) 2012 Emeryville None 37.8596 -122.3152
819191 Ruiz GM and JB Geller (2015) 2012 Ballena Isle None 37.7643 -122.2978


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