Invasion History

First Non-native North American Tidal Record: 1994
First Non-native West Coast Tidal Record: 1994
First Non-native East/Gulf Coast Tidal Record:

General Invasion History:

Molgula ficus is native to the Indo-West Pacific region. It was described from Shark Bay, Western Australia in 1859 and has been collected from sites around the continent. It has also been collected in Thailand, Singapore, and Hong Kong (Kott 1985; Kott 2005). It was discovered in Southern California in 1994 and in Chile in 1997, having been introduced through ship fouling.

North American Invasion History:

Invasion History on the West Coast:

Molgula ficus was discovered in Southern California in 1994, but was originally confused with the native species Molgula verrucifera. Molgula ficus was originally misidentified by P. Kott as the native California species M. verrucifera, but is much larger, and is not a brooder (see Lambert 2007).  When Gretchen Lambert compared large numbers of M. verrucifera collected from sites along the coast and in harbors between 1994 and 1997, she realized that the larger harbor form was a distinct species and identified it as M. ficus. Since then it has been found from San Diego Bay north to Channel Islands Harbor, adjacent to Port Hueneme (Lambert 2007). One collection of M. ficus was made in San Francisco Bay in Ballena Bay, Alameda in 2005. In 2015-2016, two additional specimens were collected at Oyster Point and Coyote Point marinas, in San Francisco Bay (Tracy et al. 2017) - and we now consider this an established population. Ship fouling is a likely vector for the transport of M. ficus to California and Chile.

Invasion History Elsewhere in the World:

Molgula ficus was collected in Antofagasta Bay, Chile in 1997 (Clarke and Castilla 2000). It is now common on ropes used for scallop culture and in the intertidal beds of Pyura praeputialis, another Australian tunicate (Clarke and Castilla 2000; Lambert 2007).


Molgula ficus is a round solitary tunicate with both siphons on the upper surface directed away from one another. The oral siphon has six wedge-shaped lobes, while the atrial siphon has four. The siphons are usually separated by a thickened median ridge of tunic. In larger specimens, the ridge between siphons is often lost and the siphons are larger and more divergent with external longitudinal furrows between the lobes around the apertures. The siphons are fringed with two rows of small pointed papillae. In smaller specimens, the tunic is white, thin, and papery with some external irregular processes and usually with sand and mud adhering to it. In larger specimens the tunic is firmer, almost leathery and often clean of debris. This species often occurs in aggregations (Kott 1985). The size ranges from 20-40 mm in California and occasionally up to 89 mm in Australia (Kott 1985; Lambert 2007).


Taxonomic Tree

Kingdom:   Animalia
Phylum:   Chordata
Subphylum:   Tunicata
Class:   Ascidiacea
Order:   Stolidobranchia
Family:   Molgulidae
Genus:   Molgula
Species:   ficus


Ascopera nana (Herdman, 1889)
Caesira ficus (Macdonald, 1859)
Molgula batemani (Kott, 1952)
Molgula forbesi (Herdman, 1881)
Molgula godeffroyi (Michaelsen, 1908)
Molgula martensii (Traustedt, 1885)
Molgula mortoni (Kesteven, 1909)
Ctenicella martensii (Hartmeyer, 1914)
Molgula mollis (Kott, 1975)

Potentially Misidentified Species

Molgula verrucifera
Ritter & Forsyth 1917, California native (Van Name 1945)



Life History- A solitary tunicate is ovoid, elongate or vase-like in shape, with two openings or siphons. Most solitary tunicates attach to substrates by their side or base, but some attach with a conspicuous stalk. They are sessile filter feeders with two siphons, an oral and an atrial siphon. Water is pumped in through the oral siphon, where phytoplankton and detritus is filtered by the gills, and passed on mucus strings to the stomach and intestines. Waste is then expelled in the outgoing atrial water.

Solitary ascidians are hermaphroditic, meaning that both eggs and sperm are released to the atrial chamber. Eggs may be self-fertilized or fertilized by sperm from nearby animals, but many species have a partial block to self-fertilization. Depending on the species, eggs may be externally or internally fertilized. In external fertilizers, eggs and sperm are released through the atrial siphon into the surrounding water column were fertilization takes place. In internal fertilizers, eggs are brooded and fertilized within the atrial chamber and then released into the water column upon hatching. Fertilized eggs hatch into a tadpole larva with a muscular tail, notochord, eyespots, and a set of adhesive papillae. The lecithotrophic (non-feeding, yolk-dependent) larva swims briefly before settlement. Swimming periods are usually less than a day and some larvae settle immediately after release, but the larval period can be longer at lower temperatures. Once settled, the tail is absorbed, the gill basket expands, and the tunicate begins to feed by filtering (Barnes 1983).


Phytoplankton, detritus

Trophic Status:

Suspension Feeder



General HabitatMarinas & DocksNone
General HabitatVessel HullNone
General HabitatRockyNone
Salinity RangePolyhaline18-30 PSU
Salinity RangeEuhaline30-40 PSU
Tidal RangeSubtidalNone
Vertical HabitatEpibenthicNone

Tolerances and Life History Parameters

Minimum Length (mm)20California, Lambert 2007
Maximum Length (mm)40California, Lambert 2007, occasionally up to 80 mm in Australia (Kott 1985)
Broad Temperature RangeNoneWarm temperate-Tropical
Broad Salinity RangeNonePolyhaline-Euhaline

General Impacts

Economic Impacts

Fisheries: In Antofagasta Bay, Chile, Molgula ficus is common on ropes used for scallop culture (Clarke and Castilla 2000), however, the impact on culture operations is unclear.

Regional Distribution Map

Bioregion Region Name Year Invasion Status Population Status
NEP-V Northern California to Mid Channel Islands 2005 Non-native Established
P090 San Francisco Bay 2005 Non-native Established
P062 _CDA_P062 (Calleguas) 1997 Non-native Established
P040 Newport Bay 1996 Non-native Established
P023 _CDA_P023 (San Louis Rey-Escondido) 1996 Non-native Established
P050 San Pedro Bay 1995 Non-native Established
P030 Mission Bay 1995 Non-native Established
NEP-VI Pt. Conception to Southern Baja California 1994 Non-native Established
P020 San Diego Bay 1994 Non-native Established
P060 Santa Monica Bay Non-native Established
P027 _CDA_P027 (Aliso-San Onofre) Non-native Unknown

Occurrence Map

OCC_ID Author Year Date Locality Status Latitude Longitude
697234 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-06-29 Kelco Dock Non-native 32.6927 -117.1470
697240 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-27 Kelco Dock Non-native 32.6927 -117.1470
697503 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-07-25 Fancy Slip Non-native 34.1741 -119.2235
697748 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-24 Yellow Condos Non-native 33.7283 -118.0602
697778 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-26 San Diego Bay Commercial Fishing Fleet Non-native 32.7109 -117.1739
697868 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-12 Ski Islands Marina Non-native 32.7939 -117.2232
698132 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-12 Hilton Resort Dock Non-native 32.7788 -117.2127
698546 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-27 Glorietta Bay Non-native 32.6796 -117.1740
698702 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-03 Marine Terminal (Paco) Non-native 32.6584 -117.1191
698719 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-07 Private Dock Non-native 34.1798 -119.2297
698728 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-07-25 Private Dock Non-native 34.1798 -119.2297
698784 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-06-28 Navy - 28th St. Non-native 32.6836 -117.1311
698961 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-12 Dana Inn Marina Non-native 32.7671 -117.2362
699621 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-06-29 Bulk Carrier Terminal Non-native 32.6969 -117.1526
699622 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-26 Bulk Carrier Terminal Non-native 32.6969 -117.1526
699819 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-06-29 Coronado Wharf Non-native 32.6992 -117.1684
700119 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-05 Middle Harbor Yacht Slip Non-native 33.2106 -117.3960
700656 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-12 Santa Barbara Cove Non-native 32.7774 -117.2484
700686 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-24 Private Beach Non-native 33.7175 -118.0659
700846 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-26 Harbor Island Marina Non-native 32.7266 -117.2128
701406 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-05 Oceanside Commercial Fishing Dock Non-native 33.2057 -117.3897
701815 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-05 Ballena Bay Unk 37.7661 -122.2834
701856 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-21 APL Terminal Non-native 33.7348 -118.2479
701885 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-05 Ocean Institute Dock Non-native 33.4622 -117.7063
701889 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-15 Ocean Institute Dock Non-native 33.4622 -117.7063
701966 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-25 Overnight Guest Dock Non-native 33.9761 -118.4461
702003 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-03 America's Cup Harbor Non-native 32.7239 -117.2240
702124 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-06-28 Switzer Creek (Dole) Non-native 32.7017 -117.1585
702217 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-27 Chula Vista Marina Non-native 32.6225 -117.1023
702253 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-21 Loading Dock at Bumper Pad #51 Non-native 33.7410 -118.2746
702505 Lambert 2007 1994 1994-10-09 Fiddler's Cove, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6519 -117.2342
702824 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-20 LA/Long Beach Coast Guard Pier Non-native 33.7233 -118.2685
703036 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-21 Long Beach Downtown Marina - ISS Non-native 33.7594 -118.1866
703060 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-05-03 San Diego Bay Cruise Ship Terminal Non-native 32.7168 -117.1759
703081 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-26 San Diego Bay Cruise Ship Terminal Non-native 32.7168 -117.1759
703102 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-26 Switzer Creek Non-native 32.7043 -117.1615
703205 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-06-28 Ballast Point Non-native 32.6861 -117.2348
703362 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-27 Coronado Cays Non-native 32.6274 -117.1329
703461 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-14 Back Bay Marina Non-native 33.6194 -117.8933
703479 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-07-25 Commercial Fishing Dock Non-native 34.1696 -119.2285
703552 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-14 Balboa Coves Non-native 33.6213 -117.9364
703665 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-04-26 SIO Nimitz Marine Facility Non-native 32.7078 -117.2368
703758 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-09-14 Balboa North Channel Non-native 33.6097 -117.8957
704353 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-04-21 Super Mexico Pier Non-native 33.7708 -118.2113
704361 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-23 Super Mexico Pier Non-native 33.7708 -118.2113
704659 Maloney et al. 2007 2005 2005-06-28 Navy - Carrier Base Non-native 32.7062 -117.1886
757177 Lambert 2007 1995 1995-03-26 Fiddler's Cove, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6519 -117.2342
757178 Lambert 2007 1995 1995-09-30 Fiddler's Cove, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6519 -117.2342
757179 Lambert 2007 1996 1996-11-03 Fiddler's Cove, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6519 -117.2342
757180 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-06 Fiddler's Cove, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6519 -117.2342
757181 Lambert 2007 1997 Fiddler's Cove, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6519 -117.2342
757182 Lambert 2007 1998 Fiddler's Cove, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6519 -117.2342
757183 Lambert 2007 2000 2000-08-26 Fiddler's Cove, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6519 -117.2342
757184 Lambert 2007 1995 1995-03-26 Shelter Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7100 -117.2342
757185 Lambert 2007 1995 1995-09-30 Shelter Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7100 -117.2342
757186 Lambert 2007 1996 1996-11-03 Shelter Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7100 -117.2342
757187 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-06 Shelter Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7100 -117.2342
757188 Lambert 2007 1998 Shelter Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7100 -117.2342
757189 Lambert 2007 2000 2000-08-26 Shelter Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7100 -117.2342
757190 Lambert 2007 1995 1995-03-26 Harbor Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7253 -117.2064
757191 Lambert 2007 1996 1996-11-03 Harbor Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7253 -117.2064
757192 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-06 Harbor Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7253 -117.2064
757193 Lambert 2007 1997 Harbor Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7253 -117.2064
757194 Lambert 2007 1998 Harbor Island, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.7253 -117.2064
757195 Lambert 2007 1994 1994-10-09 24th Street Boat Launch, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6495 -117.1108
757196 Lambert 2007 1996 1996-11-03 24th Street Boat Launch, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6495 -117.1108
757197 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-06 24th Street Boat Launch, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6495 -117.1108
757198 Lambert 2007 1997 24th Street Boat Launch, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6495 -117.1108
757199 Lambert 2007 1998 24th Street Boat Launch, San Diego Bay Non-native 32.6495 -117.1108
757200 Lambert 2007 1995 1995-03-26 Chula Vista Boat Ramp (J Street) Non-native 32.6211 -117.1031
757201 Lambert 2007 1995 1995-09-30 Chula Vista Boat Ramp (J Street) Non-native 32.6211 -117.1031
757202 Lambert 2007 1996 1996-11-03 Chula Vista Boat Ramp (J Street) Non-native 32.6211 -117.1031
757203 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-06 Chula Vista Boat Ramp (J Street) Non-native 32.6211 -117.1031
757204 Lambert 2007 1997 Chula Vista Boat Ramp (J Street) Non-native 32.6211 -117.1031
757205 Lambert 2007 1998 Chula Vista Boat Ramp (J Street) Non-native 32.6211 -117.1031
757206 Lambert 2007 2000 2000-08-26 Chula Vista Boat Ramp (J Street) Non-native 32.6211 -117.1031
757207 Lambert 2007 1996 1996-11-03 Seaforth Landing Non-native 32.7644 -117.2381
757208 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-06 Seaforth Landing Non-native 32.7644 -117.2381
757209 Lambert 2007 1998 Seaforth Landing Non-native 32.7644 -117.2381
757210 Lambert 2007 2000 2000-08-28 Seaforth Landing Non-native 32.7644 -117.2381
757211 Lambert 2007 1996 1996-11-03 Dana Landing, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7674 -117.2357
757212 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-06 Dana Landing, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7674 -117.2357
757213 Lambert 2007 1998 Dana Landing, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7674 -117.2357
757214 Lambert 2007 1997 South Shores Boat Ramp, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7644 -117.2168
757215 Lambert 2007 1995 1995-11-25 Bahia Point, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7761 -117.2468
757216 Lambert 2007 1996 1996-11-03 Bahia Point, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7761 -117.2468
757217 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-06 Bahia Point, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7761 -117.2468
757218 Lambert 2007 1997 Bahia Point, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7761 -117.2468
757219 Lambert 2007 1998 Bahia Point, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7761 -117.2468
757220 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-06 Mission Bay Yacht Club Non-native 32.7790 -117.2469
757221 Lambert 2007 1997 Mission Bay Yacht Club Non-native 32.7790 -117.2469
757222 Lambert 2007 1998 Mission Bay Yacht Club Non-native 32.7790 -117.2469
757223 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-06 Santa Clara Point Boat Launch, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7824 -117.2499
757224 Lambert 2007 1997 Santa Clara Point Boat Launch, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7824 -117.2499
757225 Lambert 2007 1998 Santa Clara Point Boat Launch, Mission Bay Non-native 32.7824 -117.2499
757226 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-06 Oceanside Harbor, inner area Non-native 33.2106 -117.3955
757227 Lambert 2007 1998 Oceanside Harbor, inner area Non-native 33.2106 -117.3955
757228 Lambert 2007 1996 1996-10-27 Oceanside Harbor, by Harbor Patrol floats Non-native 33.2081 -117.3946
757229 Lambert 2007 2000 2000-08-28 Oceanside Harbor, by Harbor Patrol floats Non-native 33.2081 -117.3946
757230 Lambert 2007 1997 Balboa Fun Zone Non-native 33.6033 -117.8998
757231 Lambert 2007 1996 1996-10-27 Upper Newport Bay Non-native 33.6457 -117.8861
757232 Lambert 2007 1997 Upper Newport Bay Non-native 33.6457 -117.8861
757233 Lambert 2007 2000 2000-08-31 Huntington Harbour Yacht Club Non-native 33.7125 -118.0611
757234 Lambert 2007 2000 2000-08-31 Huntington Harbour- Back Lagoon Non-native 33.7286 -118.0600
757235 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-22 Spinnaker Cove, Long Beach Marina Non-native 33.7652 -118.1211
757236 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-05 Long Beach Yacht Club Non-native 33.7534 -118.1138
757237 Lambert 2007 1997 Long Beach Yacht Club Non-native 33.7534 -118.1138
757238 Lambert 2007 1998 Long Beach Yacht Club Non-native 33.7534 -118.1138
757239 Lambert 2007 2000 2000-08-31 Long Beach Yacht Club Non-native 33.7534 -118.1138
757240 Lambert 2007 1995 1995-04-22 Impound Marina, Long Beach Non-native 33.7639 -118.2444
757241 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-05 Impound Marina, Long Beach Non-native 33.7639 -118.2444
757242 Lambert 2007 1997 Impound Marina, Long Beach Non-native 33.7639 -118.2444
757243 Lambert 2007 1998 Impound Marina, Long Beach Non-native 33.7639 -118.2444
757244 Lambert 2007 2000 2000-08-30 Impound Marina, Long Beach Non-native 33.7639 -118.2444
757245 Lambert 2007 2000 2000-08-24 Watchorn Basin Non-native 33.7203 -118.2764
757246 Lambert 2007 1997 1997-04-19 King Harbor Non-native 33.8464 -118.3969
757247 Lambert 2007 1998 King Harbor Non-native 33.8464 -118.3969
757248 Lambert 2007 1998 Marina del Rey Non-native 33.9722 -118.4522
757249 Lambert 2007 2000 2000-08-29 Marina del Rey Non-native 33.9722 -118.4522
757250 Lambert 2007 1998 Jack's Landing Non-native 34.1636 -119.2228
757251 Lambert 2007 2000 2000-08-25 Jack's Landing Non-native 34.1636 -119.2228
757252 Lambert 2007 1997 Anacapa Isle Marina Non-native 34.1731 -119.2269
757253 Lambert 2007 2000 2000-08-25 Anacapa Isle Marina Non-native 34.1731 -119.2269
757254 Tracy et al. 2017 2016 Oyster Point Marina Non-native 37.6641 -122.3785
757255 Tracy et al. 2017 2016 Coyote Point Marina Non-native 37.5905 -122.3177
767497 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-07-31 Campland on the Bay, Mission Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 32.7936 -117.2234
767750 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-07-18 NAB Fiddlers Cove, San Diego Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 32.6524 -117.1486
767767 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-07-26 Pier 32 Marina, San Diego Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 32.6516 -117.1077
767790 Ruiz et al., 2015 2013 2013-07-28 Marriott Marquis and Marina, San Diego Bay, CA, California, USA Non-native 32.7059 -117.1655
768765 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-30 Leeward Island Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7767 -118.2428
768773 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-30 Leeward Island Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7767 -118.2428
768781 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-30 Leeward Island Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7767 -118.2428
768797 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-30 Leeward Island Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7767 -118.2428
768818 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-30 Leeward Island Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7767 -118.2428
768837 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-30 Leeward Island Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7767 -118.2428
768935 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-29 Pacific Yacht Landing, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7654 -118.2514
768943 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-29 Pacific Yacht Landing, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7654 -118.2514
768963 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-29 Pacific Yacht Landing, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7654 -118.2514
768984 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-29 Pacific Yacht Landing, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7654 -118.2514
769044 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-27 Peter's Landing Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7256 -118.0758
769053 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-27 Peter's Landing Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7256 -118.0758
769066 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-27 Peter's Landing Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7256 -118.0758
769080 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-07-27 Peter's Landing Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7256 -118.0758
769486 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-12 Pacific Yacht Landing, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7654 -118.2514
769495 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-12 Pacific Yacht Landing, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7654 -118.2514
769503 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-12 Pacific Yacht Landing, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7654 -118.2514
769519 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-12 Pacific Yacht Landing, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7654 -118.2514
769558 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-12 Pacific Yacht Landing, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7654 -118.2514
769674 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-11 Leeward Island Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7772 -118.2428
769723 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-11 Leeward Island Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7772 -118.2428
769765 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-13 Cabrillo Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7219 -118.2779
769782 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-13 Cabrillo Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7219 -118.2779
769821 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-13 Cabrillo Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7219 -118.2779
769844 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-13 Cabrillo Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7219 -118.2779
769854 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-13 Cabrillo Marina, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7219 -118.2779
769892 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-09 Port of LB Pier D, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7595 -118.2174
770144 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-14 Island Yacht Anchorage, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7668 -118.2408
770164 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2018 2018-08-14 Island Yacht Anchorage, San Pedro Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.7668 -118.2408
770238 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-06 Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6068 -117.8855
770282 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-03 Balboa Bay Resort, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6147 -117.9138
770331 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-07 Balboa Yacht Basin A & B, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6103 -117.8949
770357 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-07 Balboa Yacht Basin A & B, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6103 -117.8949
770369 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-07 Balboa Yacht Basin A & B, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6103 -117.8949
770379 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-07 Balboa Yacht Basin A & B, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6103 -117.8949
770401 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-07 Balboa Yacht Basin D & E, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6102 -117.8967
770484 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-05 Harbor Tower Marina, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6203 -117.9279
770510 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-05 Harbor Tower Marina, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6203 -117.9279
770521 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-05 Harbor Tower Marina, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6203 -117.9279
770547 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-04 Hill's Boat Service, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6026 -117.8984
770644 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-15 Newport Dunes, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6193 -117.8959
770653 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-15 Newport Dunes, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6193 -117.8959
770662 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-15 Newport Dunes, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6193 -117.8959
770672 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-15 Newport Dunes, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6193 -117.8959
770686 Ruiz et al., 2021b 2017 2017-08-15 Newport Dunes, Newport Bay, California, USA Non-native 33.6193 -117.8959
771172 Ruiz et al., 2021a 2017 2017-09-27 Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.7837 -122.2640
771182 Ruiz et al., 2021a 2017 2017-09-27 Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.7837 -122.2640
774276 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-24 Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.7839 -122.2641
774277 Ruiz et al., 2022 2015 2015-09-24 Oakland Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.7839 -122.2641
774278 Ruiz et al., 2022 2016 2016-09-21 Oyster Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.6633 -122.3759
774279 Ruiz et al., 2022 2016 2016-09-22 Coyote Point Marina, San Francisco Bay, California, USA Non-native 37.5898 -122.3165


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