Invasion History

First Non-native North American Tidal Record: 1977
First Non-native West Coast Tidal Record: 1977
First Non-native East/Gulf Coast Tidal Record:

General Invasion History:

Nippoleucon hinumensis is native to the Northwest Pacific, and common in shallow bays and brackish estuaries. Available records from the native range are from Lake Hinimu, in the Ibariki Prefecture, on the Pacific coast of Honshu, Japan (Gamo 1967) and from Okayama Prefecture on the Seto Inland Sea (Akiyama and Yamamoto 2004a) and Gwangyang Bay, South Korea, on the Korea Strait (Lee and Lee 2003). In 1977, it was collected in Isthmus Slough, Coos Bay, Oregon (Carlton 1989), and in 1986, in the western Delta and Grizzly Bay, in the San Francisco estuary (Cohen and Carlton 1995). Currently, it ranges from San Francisco Bay to Puget Sound (Cohen and Carlton 1995; Cohen et al. 1998; Wonham and Carlton 2005), with at least one reported occurrence in southern California (Fairey et al. 2002).

North American Invasion History:

Invasion History on the West Coast:

Nippoleucon hinumensis was first reported from the West Coast in Coos Bay, Oregon (OR) in 1977 (Hancock et al. 1977, cited by Wonham and Carlton 2007; Carlton 1989). It was found in nearby Umpqua Bay in 1983 (Carlton 1989); the San Francisco estuary in 1986 (Cohen and Carlton 1995); Yaquina Bay, OR in 1988 (Carlton 1989; Castillo et al. 2000); the Columbia River estuary in 1994 (Sytsma et al. 2004); Tillamook Bay, OR in 1996 (Golden et al. 1998, cited by Cohen 2004); Grays Harbor, Washington (WA) in 1999 (Wilson and Partridge 2007); Puget Sound, WA in 1998 (Cohen et al. 1998), and Willapa Bay, WA in 2000 (Cohen et al. 2001). It was also collected in Tomales Bay, California (CA) in 2001 (Fairey et al. 2002), Bodega Bay, CA in 2011 (California Department of Fish and Wildlife 2014), and Port Hueneme, CA in 2001 (Fairey et al. 2002). This species burrows in sand, mud, and silt, and has reached very high densities in brackish parts of the San Francisco estuary (Cohen and Carlton 1995; Lee et al. 2003; Peterson and Vayssieres 2010), Coos Bay (Carlton 1989), and the Columbia River estuary (Sytsma et al. 2004).

It is common to abundant in polyhaline to oligohaline salinities, but in the San Francisco Delta region, it is most abundant during dry years (Lee et al. 2003; Peterson and Vayssieres 2010). Nippoleucon hinumensis swarms in the plankton at night for mating (Akiyama et al. 2004a), so has considerable potential for ballast water transport. It has also been reported from fouling plates (California Department of Fish and Wildlife 2014) and the hulls of cargo ships (Llansó et al. 2011), probably in sediment accumulating on fouled surfaces.


Cumaceans have a somewhat tadpole-like appearance, with the head and thorax greatly expanded, and a long, tail-like abdomen. The carapace covers the first 3 thoracic somites (sometimes 4, and rarely 6), and forms a branchial cavity. The anterior margin of the carapace is drawn forward as pseudorostral lobes. The eyes are fused medially, but are on a median eyelobe which overlaps the base of the pseudorostral lobes. Most species lack a lens or pigment (including Nippoleucon hinumensis). The pereaon covers the posterior 4-5 thoracic segments, narrowing posteriorly. The abdomen or pleon consists of 6 segments, of which the 5th is the longest. Some species have a free telson, extending posteriorly between the uropods, but this is lacking in N. hinumensis.

In N. hinumensis, the anterior-ventral corner of the carapace is rounded. The carapace is about 1/5 of the animal's length. The first pereaon segment is wide, and easily seen in lateral view. The head bears five pairs of appendages. Antenna 1 is uniramous and lacks a conspicuous 'elbow'. As noted above, a telson is absent. The endopod of the uropod consists of two segments. Cumaceans, including N. hinumensis show sexual dimorphism in a number of features. The pseudorostrum projects further anteriorly in females than in males. In males, Antenna 2 lacks a brush of setae on peduncle articles 4 and 5, and peduncle segment 5 is subdivided by several rings, with each division having grasping teeth. Male cumaceans typically have a much longer antennal flagellum than females, often approaching body length, but in N. hinumensis, the male flagellum, while longer than the females, does not extend past the posterior margin of the carapace. The females have exopods on pereiopods 1-3, while males have exopods on pereiopods 1-4. Both males and females lack pleopods, while other male cumaceans may have several pairs. The holotype male specimen is 3.7 mm long; and the female paratype is 5.5 mm long. The description is based on: Gamo 1967; Barnes 1983; Watling 1991; and Watling 2007.


Taxonomic Tree

Kingdom:   Animalia
Phylum:   Arthropoda
Subphylum:   Crustacea
Class:   Malacostraca
Subclass:   Eumalacostraca
Superorder:   Peracarida
Order:   Cumacea
Family:   Leuconidae
Genus:   Nippoleucon
Species:   hinumensis


Hemileucon hinumensis (Gamo, 1967)
Nippoleucon hinumensis (Watling, 1991)

Potentially Misidentified Species

Hemileucon comes
Nippoleucon hinumensis, in Coos Bay, Oregon, was initially identified as H. comes, a cumacean native to New Zealand (Cadien 2006; Rudy 2013)

Leucon subnasica
'Leucon subnasica is a southern California open ocean species found on the continental shelf in fine sand.' (James T. Carton, personal communication(,



Cumaceans are peracarid crustaceans which usually live buried in sand and mud in marine and estuarine waters. Sexes are separate and sexually dimorphic. Nippoleucon hinumensis, like other cumaceans, swarms in the water column during mating. Fertilization is internal, and young are brooded by the female. In populations in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, males apparently die after mating, but females produced a second, and sometimes a third or fourth brood, indicating that sperm is stored after mating. Mating occurred in January-February, and the first brood was released in April. The first brood varied with size of the female, from ~30-78 eggs, but the second brood was smaller, 25-60 eggs. Most of the juveniles produced in the first brood undergo a summer diapause during the period of high summer temperatures (July-September), when feeding ceases (Akiyama and Yamamoto 2004a; Akiyama and Yamamoto 2004b). We do not know if this diapause occurs in West Coast populations.

Cumcaceans create a current and filter-feed on phytoplankton and detritus, and/or scrape microalgae and detritus from sand grains (Barnes 1983). Nippoleucon hinumensis inhabits muddy bays and estuaries at depths from the intertidal to at least 10 m depth (Akiyama and Yamamoto 2004a). It is tolerant of a wide range of temperatures, although most of the populations in the Seto Inland Sea undergo diapause during the warmer summer months (temperatures of ~28C) (Akiyama and Yamamoto 2004a). Nippoleucon hinumensis also tolerates a wide range of salinities, from polyhaline (18-30 PSU) to oligohaline waters (0-5 PSU); although it is abundant at low salinities only in dry years (Cohen and Carlton 2005; Lee et al. 2003; Sytsma et al. 2004; Peterson and Vayssieres 2010). Although N. hinumensis primarily dwells in muddy sediments, it can be abundant in the plankton (Rudy 2013) during nocturnal mating swarms, and has been collected on fouling plates (Fairey et al. 2002) and ships’ hulls (Llansó et al. 2011). Nippoleucon hinumensis is one of the dominant organisms in the San Francisco estuary, reaching peak densities of 12,000 m-3 and average densities exceeding 1,000 m-3 (Cohen and Carlton 1995; Lee et al. 2003; Peterson and Vayssieres 2010). It is one of the dominant foods of the introduced Mississippi Silverside (Menidia audens), an important forage fish, and is eaten in lesser quantities by the Yellowfin Goby (Acanthogobius flavimanus) and Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) (Howe et al. 2014).


Detrtius, microlalgae

Trophic Status:

Deposit Feeder



General HabitatUnstructured BottomNone
General HabitatSalt-brackish marshNone
General HabitatVessel HullNone
Salinity RangeMesohaline5-18 PSU
Salinity RangePolyhaline18-30 PSU
Salinity RangeEuhaline30-40 PSU
Salinity RangeOligohaline0.5-5 PSU
Tidal RangeSubtidalNone
Tidal RangeLow IntertidalNone
Vertical HabitatEndobenthicNone
Vertical HabitatEpibenthicNone

Tolerances and Life History Parameters

Minimum Temperature (ºC)8Field, Seto Inland Sea, Japan (Akiyama et al. 2004a).
Maximum Temperature (ºC)28Field, Seto Inland Sea , Japan(Akiyama et al. 2004a).
Minimum Salinity (‰)0.7Field observations, Fresh-Brackish-Muddy Zone (Delta, mean salinity 0.7 PSU, Lee et al. 2003)
Maximum Salinity (‰)27.5Field, mean salinity Marine-Muddy zone, South and Central Bays (Lee et al. 2003)
Maximum Length (mm)5.5Female paratype, Japan. The male holotype is 3.7 mm (Gamo 1967).
Broad Temperature RangeNoneCold temperate-Warm temperate
Broad Salinity RangeNoneMesohaline-Euhaline

General Impacts

Nippoleucon hinumensis reaches high abundances in some of the estuaries where it has been introduced, including Coos Bay, the Columbia River, and San Francisco Bay. Its ecological impacts have not been well studied, but it is potentially an important part of estuarine food webs, as a filter-feeder and food organism. In the San Francisco Bay Delta, it is an important prey item for an introduced fish, the Mississippi Silverside (Menidia audens) (Howe et al. 2014), and is probably a major prey item for other fishes and invertebrates.

Regional Impacts

NEP-VNorthern California to Mid Channel IslandsEcological ImpactFood/Prey
Nippoleucon hinumensis is one of the dominant foods of the introduced Mississippi Silverside (Menidia audens), an important forage fish in Delta marshes. This cumacean was the most important prey numerically and in terms of nitrogen intake. It was eaten in lesser quantities by the Yellowfin Goby (Acanthogobius flavimanus) and Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) (Howe et al. 2014).
P090San Francisco BayEcological ImpactFood/Prey
Nippoleucon hinumensis is one of the dominant foods of the introduced Mississippi Silverside (Menidia audens), an important forage fish in Delta marshes. This cumacean was the most important prey numerically and in terms of nitrogen intake. It was eaten in lesser quantities by the Yellowfin Goby (Acanthogobius flavimanus) and Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) (Howe et al. 2014).
CACaliforniaEcological ImpactFood/Prey
Nippoleucon hinumensis is one of the dominant foods of the introduced Mississippi Silverside (Menidia audens), an important forage fish in Delta marshes. This cumacean was the most important prey numerically and in terms of nitrogen intake. It was eaten in lesser quantities by the Yellowfin Goby (Acanthogobius flavimanus) and Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) (Howe et al. 2014)., Nippoleucon hinumensis is one of the dominant foods of the introduced Mississippi Silverside (Menidia audens), an important forage fish in Delta marshes. This cumacean was the most important prey numerically and in terms of nitrogen intake. It was eaten in lesser quantities by the Yellowfin Goby (Acanthogobius flavimanus) and Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) (Howe et al. 2014).

Regional Distribution Map

Bioregion Region Name Year Invasion Status Population Status
P112 _CDA_P112 (Bodega Bay) 2011 Def Estab
P110 Tomales Bay 2001 Def Estab
P062 _CDA_P062 (Calleguas) 2001 Def Estab
NEP-VI Pt. Conception to Southern Baja California 2001 Def Estab
NEP-V Northern California to Mid Channel Islands 1986 Def Estab
P093 _CDA_P093 (San Pablo Bay) 1986 Def Estab
P090 San Francisco Bay 1986 Def Estab
NEP-IV Puget Sound to Northern California 1977 Def Estab

Occurrence Map

OCC_ID Author Year Date Locality Status Latitude Longitude
696999 Introduced Species Study 2003 2003-08-27 Loch Lomond 11 Def 37.9723 -122.4777
697094 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-12 Ferry Terminal Pier Def 37.7945 -122.3917
697176 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-29 Mare Island Strait - Navy Def 38.1015 -122.2695
697181 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-19 Mare Island Strait - Navy Def 38.1015 -122.2695
697287 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-11 Cal Maritime Academy/Vallejo Def 38.0661 -122.2299
697319 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-10 Tomales Bay Boat Launch Def 38.1991 -122.9220
697545 Introduced Species Study 2003 2003-08-27 Loch Lomond 2 Def 37.9717 -122.4811
697572 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-07 Benicia Waterfront Def 38.0401 -122.1385
697579 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-29 Benicia Waterfront Def 38.0401 -122.1385
697677 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-20 Port Sonoma/Petaluma R. Def 38.1157 -122.5026
697903 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-02 Port of Oakland Office Def 37.7954 -122.2804
697904 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-05 Port of Oakland Office Def 37.7954 -122.2804
698032 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-28 Point Richmond Piers Def 37.9085 -122.3913
698067 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-29 San Mateo Bridge Def 37.5806 -122.2543
698068 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-09 San Mateo Bridge Def 37.5806 -122.2543
698243 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-23 Pier 39, San Francisco Bay Def 37.8114 -122.4098
698275 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-08 Pier 39 Def 37.8108 -122.4086
698308 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-01 Loch Lomond Marina Area Def 37.9720 -122.4832
698309 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-20 Loch Lomond Marina Area Def 37.9720 -122.4832
698365 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-01 Richardson Bay Def 37.8588 -122.4798
698366 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-09 Richardson Bay Def 37.8588 -122.4798
698408 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-25 Presidio Yacht Club, San Francisco Bay Def 37.8326 -122.4741
698491 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-14 Romberg Tiburon Center Def 37.8906 -122.4458
698492 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-09 Romberg Tiburon Center Def 37.8906 -122.4458
698560 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-11 Slip In A Harbor Def 38.3295 -123.0565
698910 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-14 Point San Pablo Yacht Harbor Def 37.9643 -122.4185
698911 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-20 Point San Pablo Yacht Harbor Def 37.9643 -122.4185
699051 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-20 Petaluma River Turning Basin Def 38.2344 -122.6354
699052 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-13 Petaluma River Turning Basin Def 38.2344 -122.6354
699086 Introduced Species Study 2003 2003-08-26 Ballena Island 3 Def 37.7669 -122.2870
699104 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-14 Paradise Cay Def 37.9146 -122.4776
699105 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-09 Paradise Cay Def 37.9146 -122.4776
699259 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-07 Oakland Inner Harbor - Shipping cranes Def 37.7947 -122.3095
699300 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-15 San Pablo Bay Pumphouse Def 38.0446 -122.4326
699301 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-20 San Pablo Bay Pumphouse Def 38.0446 -122.4326
699339 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-12 Saint Francis Yacht Harbor Def 37.8066 -122.4463
699430 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-06-03 NE Corner of Bay Def 38.3340 -123.0511
699476 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2000 2000-09-13 Port Hueneme Infaunal 02 Def 34.1531 -119.2101
699529 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-26 Point San Pablo Yacht Harbor, San Pablo Bay Def 37.9624 -122.4188
699546 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-05-31 Redwood Creek - Shipping Def 37.5120 -122.2109
699547 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-07 Redwood Creek - Shipping Def 37.5120 -122.2109
699645 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-08 Pier 45 Def 37.8111 -122.4196
699754 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-14 Aquatic Park Def 37.8080 -122.4216
699767 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-19 Mare Island Strait - Marina Def 38.1051 -122.2667
699771 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-30 Mare Island Strait - Marina Def 38.1051 -122.2667
699841 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-09 Paradise Area Def 37.9062 -122.4768
699865 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-05-31 Redwood Creek - Marina Def 37.5021 -122.2130
699866 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-07 Redwood Creek - Marina Def 37.5021 -122.2130
699937 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-05-31 Dumbarton Bridge Def 37.5070 -122.1168
699972 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-07-08 Point Richmond Def 37.9212 -122.3871
699990 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-09 McNears Beach Def 37.9962 -122.4556
699991 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-12 McNears Beach Def 37.9962 -122.4556
700018 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-08 Cruise Ship Pier Def 37.8085 -122.4060
700019 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-12 Cruise Ship Pier Def 37.8085 -122.4060
700262 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-11-20 San Diego Bay Plankton 01 Def 32.6932 -117.2306
700466 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-01 Coyote Point Marina Def 37.5905 -122.3177
700467 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-09 Coyote Point Marina Def 37.5905 -122.3177
700519 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-08 Sea Plane Lagoon Def 37.7761 -122.2998
700792 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-01 Sea Plane Harbor Def 37.6349 -122.3848
700793 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-09 Sea Plane Harbor Def 37.6349 -122.3848
700873 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-18 Pacheco Creek Oil Pier Def 38.0489 -122.0903
701334 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-28 Santa Fe Channel - Back Def 37.9207 -122.3684
701426 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-19 Hercules Wharf Def 38.0231 -122.2928
701432 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-30 Hercules Wharf Def 38.0231 -122.2928
701820 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-02 Ballena Bay Def 37.7661 -122.2834
701860 Introduced Species Study 2003 2003-08-26 BerkeleyHarbor3 Def 37.8654 -122.3124
702041 Introduced Species Study 2003 2003-08-27 Loch Lomond Def 37.9719 -122.4838
702075 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-01 Corinthian Marina Def 37.8726 -122.4563
702143 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-24 San Leandro Marina, San Francisco Bay Def 37.6966 -122.1932
702162 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-08 Oakland Outer Harbor Def 37.8217 -122.3145
702188 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-07 New York Point Marina Def 38.0400 -121.8863
702227 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-08-25 Central Basin Def 37.7643 -122.3863
702279 Introduced Species Study 2003 2003-08-26 Ballena Island 2 Def 37.7665 -122.2851
702282 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-08-19 Ayala Cove Def 37.8680 -122.4350
702283 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-21 Ayala Cove Def 37.8680 -122.4350
702284 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-01 Ayala Cove Def 37.8680 -122.4350
702285 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-13 Ayala Cove Def 37.8680 -122.4350
702574 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-06 Richmond Marina Def 37.9137 -122.3504
702680 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-08-25 Potrero Point Def 37.7521 -122.3790
702684 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-07-12 Potrero Point Def 37.7521 -122.3790
702790 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-06-12 Port of Oakland Plankton 01 Def 37.7991 -122.3286
702931 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-03-27 Port of Oakland Plankton 04 Def 37.7491 -122.2238
702940 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-06-02 Golden Hinde Small Marina Def 38.1078 -122.8623
702941 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-08-10 Golden Hinde Small Marina Def 38.1078 -122.8623
702978 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-25 Petaluma River Turning Basin, San Pablo Bay Def 38.2355 -122.6382
702991 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-08-25 China Basin Def 37.7780 -122.3881
703294 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-12 China Camp Def 38.0025 -122.4617
703594 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-10 Toll Plaza Def 37.8266 -122.3166
703676 Introduced Species Study 2011 2011-06-03 SE Side of Bay Def 38.3258 -123.0410
703771 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-08 Crown Beach Def 37.7603 -122.2737
703790 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-06-10 Hayward Landing Def 37.6447 -122.1543
703791 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-13 Hayward Landing Def 37.6447 -122.1543
703889 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-30 Rodeo Marina Def 38.0394 -122.2717
703890 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-19 Rodeo Marina Def 38.0394 -122.2717
703975 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-07 Railroad Bridge Def 37.4602 -121.9750
703977 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-05-31 Railroad Bridge Def 37.4602 -121.9750
704097 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-02 Coast Guard Island Def 37.7812 -122.2457
704098 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-05 Coast Guard Island Def 37.7812 -122.2457
704167 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-28 Chevron Pier Def 37.9228 -122.4105
704168 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-06 Chevron Pier Def 37.9228 -122.4105
704207 ISS 2000-2002 Survey Data 2001 2001-09-19 Tomales Bay Infaunal 06 Def 38.1511 -122.8887
704469 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-07 Martinez Marina Def 38.0276 -122.1371
704473 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-29 Martinez Marina Def 38.0276 -122.1371
704514 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-10-19 Napa Valley Marina Def 38.2198 -122.3119
704515 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-30 Napa Valley Marina Def 38.2198 -122.3119
704552 Introduced Species Study 2003 2003-08-27 Corinthian Marina 3 Def 37.8717 -122.4568
704583 Introduced Species Study 2010 2010-06-01 Sierra Point Marina Def 37.6740 -122.3792
704589 Introduced Species Study 2005 2005-09-09 Sierra Point Marina Def 37.6740 -122.3792
718938 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-11-02 San Francisco Bay Plankton 01 Def 37.5360 -122.1670
718939 Introduced Species Study 2007 2007-02-16 San Francisco Bay Plankton 01 Def 37.5360 -122.1670
718940 Introduced Species Study 2007 2007-02-16 San Francisco Bay Plankton 02 Def 37.5830 -122.2080
718941 Introduced Species Study 2007 2007-02-16 San Francisco Bay Plankton 03 Def 37.6800 -122.2370
718942 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-11-02 San Francisco Bay Plankton 04 Def 37.6050 -122.2860
718943 Introduced Species Study 2007 2007-02-16 San Francisco Bay Plankton 04 Def 37.6050 -122.2860
718944 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-11-02 San Francisco Bay Plankton 08 Def 37.9240 -122.4680
718945 Introduced Species Study 2006 2006-11-02 San Francisco Bay Plankton 09 Def 38.0700 -122.3170
718946 Introduced Species Study 2007 2007-02-16 San Francisco Bay Plankton 11 Def 37.9980 -122.4240
760729 Cohen et al. 2005 (SF Bay Area RAS) 2004 2004-05-28 Rodeo Marina, San Pablo Bay Def 38.0391 -122.2711


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